tirsdag 16. august 2011

set fire to the rain

Some things I also bought yesterday. Adele's 21, Night At The Museum 2 (film), and Friends season 10 (tv-show), Maybeline lipstick in "feel pink", and IsaDora Perfect Contour Kajal. I also went to the library and borrowed Rachels Holiday and Last Chance Saloon by Marian Keyes. I personally think that Adele is one of the prettiest girls in the world. If she could only stop smoking! Don't hurt that precious voice!

One of the many bummers of not leaving for London, is that I need to stress about what I'm wearing for the first day back to school. Right .. I'm such a girly girl. But I like to think that I have a very masculine style. I tried, however to wear a skirt yesterday. It's not really a favorite of mine.

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