mandag 8. august 2011

you see me through his words

(Photo: David Beckham and baby Harper)
This is a random post, and the picture has nothing to do with it. But oh my gosh, it's adorable! Anyways, I was watching a Youtube-video as usual, and I scrolled down. I read the most thumbed up video, and though it didn't really have any connection with the video, it's still a great message: "A fifteen year old girl walks around with her 1 year old son. People call her a slut, but they don't know she was raped at 13. An old man walks around who is a little thick. People call him fat, but they don't know he has a sickly disease that makes him bigger. A man walks around with a huge mark on his face. Some call him ugly, but they can't know that he got hurt in a war. People call me dumb because I'm chinese. My teacher told me i'm the smartest in my class."

Stop judgement.

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