onsdag 30. november 2011
requiem on water
Fra en buss oppdages en dame. Hun kommer ut fra et sykehus. Men det er ikke bare hun, det er en hel folkemengde. De skal til bussen, de skal til parkeringshuset, de skal ta seg en røyk, de skal gå. Men det er noe annerledes med henne. Hun gråter. Varme tårer renner ned hennes røde kinn. Hun fikser raskt frem et tørkle, men tårene stopper ikke. Sønnen går ved siden av henne. Lange skritt, men langsomme steg. Han har et stenansikt. Jeg ser ingen følelser. Hva skjer? Har de mistet noen? Jeg blir takknemlig. Takknemlig, for at det ikke er jeg som går der ute og bærer på en trist nyhet.
mandag 28. november 2011
your love is my turning page
"I've waited a hundred years, but I'd wait a million more for you. Nothing prepared me for what the privilege of being yours would do"
This is such a lovely lovely song! The lyrics are amazing. I can't understand how it is possible to write this good .. to be that good with words. I'm in love with the song. Maybe a bit too much cliches for the cynical people. But behind every cliche, there's a truth.
søndag 27. november 2011
crazy stupid love
Crazy, Stupid, Love is the best romantic comedy I've ever seen. Oh yes, I just said that. It beats Pretty Woman (my all-time favorite), it beats the Proposal. It beats everything. It's got a different vibe to it. I don't know .. maybe I'm just being extra emotional or something. But my gosh. Ryan Gosling .. what are you doing with Eva Mendes? That's my only question.
Edit: I just realised that the soundtrack had something to do with why I love the movie.
I can't help myself from looking for you

I'll be honest. I like taking pictures. But yesterday I didn't manage to take one nice shot. Which makes me want to invest in a new camera. Not blaming it all on my camera, but I know very well that my camera loves natural light. It does, however, not enjoy darkness. The pictures will only come out foggy. I've gotten plenty of compliments on my camera ..that it takes nice pictures and that it's got nice colors. But I don't see it? Oh well, yesterday was a blast. Lots of good edible things. I ended up with three new blisters on my feet. Oh, and I didn't get much sleep. I'll probably be quite cranky tomorrow.
lørdag 26. november 2011
is it here yet?

I wake up. Check the window for snow. Where is the winter? I've already made a picture folder called "Winter 2011". I'm afraid we won't have any snow for winter, and looking out now, it looks more like September than almost December. Anyways, I've been watching cross country skiing, and Northug won. It's a race where everyone starts 30 seconds after each other. With other words, it's not a mass-start. And he won with 23 seconds or so! Right now it's a handball match on TV, but I don't think my mother will let me watch it. I've been occupying the TV for almost four hours now. Oh well, gotta go anyways.
fredag 25. november 2011
"effective" is my middle name

Well, not really. But I know I'll get around things, when I write down what I'm going to do (step by step) the next few days. Ah .. I can't wait for next week to be over .. Did I mention that it's only two weeks left till the due of my big paper? (2000 words minimum). But it's not too much - I can handle it. Be Be positive. Darn, time flies so fast. I've already lost 30 minutes now. Gotta go!
torsdag 24. november 2011
one look at your eyes and I'm sinking
onsdag 23. november 2011
quick crew
Maybe I'm being biased, but Quick Crew must be the most amazing dancers ever. Well, at least the best dancers in Norway.
I can't love you anymore
I wonder if you know when you kiss me like that you ruin me for anyone else

Sometimes I wish procrastinating was a paid job. This way I'd be rich. The worst part about me procrastinating, is that I know I'm being stupid - but I don't have the will to stop it. I know I'm losing time, and I don't even do anything productive. I could have done some Christmas shopping, but instead I'm browsing through Facebook. Updating each fifth second, hoping to find something new .. something to entertain me. Sometimes it can be even harder not to have any tests to study for a week. I feel restless. It's odd. What's going to happen when I'm done?
tirsdag 22. november 2011
720 beetle green

(From left: Jade, Beetle Green, Forest, Hunter Green)
I expanded my nail-varnish collection today with Beetle Green (picture nr 2). It looks gorgeous in the bottle, but I'm afraid that I'll be disappointed once it's on my nails. I have developed a love for IsaDora nail-varnish. The brush is thick, and I usually only need one layer. And I think their bottle looks lovely too. I did however, notice that I almost only have greens. Oh well, next time I'll go for something more daring.
sungha jung
I somehow stumbled across this talented guy, covering my favorite piano song. He is only 15, but somehow he has these amazing guitar-skills! And just to prove his amazing skills, check out his cover of the Super Mario theme! Is it possible not to be amazed? I could probably go on raving, and posting another twenty videos of him covering songs, including a cover of Norwegian A-ha. I am, however not going to do so. But he'll still be amazing.
mandag 21. november 2011
I'm just saying you could do better
(Pictures: Tumblr)
Jeg er så trøtt. Øyelokkene faller ned, også opp igjen. Verden blir stadig byttet bort med svarte bilder. Men så er jeg tilbake. Nakken er vond av det ustøe hodet som stadig faller ned. Haken treffer nesten brystet, før hodet reiser seg opp igjen, og svarte bilder blir erstattet med et bilde av rommet mitt. Hendene gnir forsiktig øyene. Munnen gaper, og ut kommer et lite gjesp. Behovet for søvn er ignorert. I stedet blir behovet for anerkjennelse prioritert. Skoleprestasjoner kommer først. Fingrene raser i vei bortover tastaturet. Fine ord dukker opp på skjermen, men trøttheten ligger i bakhodet. Ordene blir til slurv, gmmerl grogm nfglrg shen ks ngihlgsk ngnkrk. Jeg er så trøtt.
søndag 20. november 2011
den som lever får sjå

(A very long and descriptive blog about my weekend. Skip now, or read it all)
This has definitely been the best weekend in a long time. It started off a tad disappointing. Friday, I was a tired wreck - I'm pretty sure I could have fallen asleep on a bench during gym. Instead, I climbed to the top of the climbing wall. Oh, and I managed to hit my friend in the face with my badminton racket. I'm such an awesome friend. Anyways, Friday night was spent out with my friends. We were celebrating Alex's birthday, and I happened to meet a few friends of mine. I had a good time dancing and trying to talk over the loud music. Me and another decided to go outside .. take a break. The warmth inside was unbearable, so we went for a walk with the guys we'd met at the start of the night. As we came back, the police had shown up, and the time was about 2:00 a.m., so we decided to end the successful night.
Yesterday I woke up at 2:40 p.m., and I frantically ran down the stairs in order to get a glimpse of the last part of the start of the Cross Country Skiing world cup. Wow, long sentence. Anyways, I managed to burn my baguettes for breakfast, while excitedly cheering on Petter Northug. He finished second place. I wasn't too bummed, but I probably would have if I watched the whole thing. But I do admit that I prefer a mass-start, as the competition gets a bit more exciting. Anyways, I finished eating, and Roya called me. We met up at my local shopping-mall. It was me, Roya, and Maladi. We didn't do much shopping. I did, however, manage to buy the first Christmas gift! Later that night we squeezed together in the car, and went back to Roya. There we talked, well somewhat. And we made some chocolate mousse. Maladi went home at 7:30 p.m., and Mini came over. I guess the whole night was spent talking and catching up. Though I'm not too much of a fan of gossiping, it was a lovely evening. According to Roya I fell asleep at 2:30 a.m.
Today we woke up quite early, partly because of me. I was a bit eager to watch Cross Country Skiing world cup. We made breakfast, while watching the female cross country skiers compete. Norway won both first and second place (team-competition). Knowing that I couldn't sit there and watch the next competition on Roya's computer, I got dressed. I do have some manners. Anyways, I ran to the bus, and prayed that I'd get home before something exciting would happen. My mum hates watching all kinds of sports on TV, so I had to negotiate. I'm doing the dishes tonight. Anyways, Northug marched the last meters in to the finish line as the first. Second was yet another Norwegian, Sjur Røthe. Who doesn't love a double victory both for the Norwegian females and males? I'm not finished. After watching this I switched the channel. I accidentally ended up on TV-2, which showed a handball match between Norway and Sweden. If there's any sports I love watching, it's cross country skiing and handball! And as all the previous victories weren't enough, Norway won 32-18 against Sweden.
To conclude, it's been a very exicting weekend with very little schoolwork done. My mum isn't too happy about that, and I'm not looking forward till tomorrow. Another Monday.
fredag 18. november 2011
lose yourself tonight
Oh my gosh, just saw this on Youtube. I used to listen to this song every day I'd ride my bike to work at 6:30. And it totally drew me back to summer. I think this is actually the first time I've really missed summer. I haven't had any time to think about it really, but looking at that video, and listening to this song makes me miss summer so much! I love it when I'm able to remember things by smelling things or listening to a song.
torsdag 17. november 2011
wendy's lookbook
I'm a girl who happens to love watching youtube gurus. And Wendy is one of my absolute favorites. Her videos are amazing. Honestly, she has the best quality on videos. And they just keep getting better. Plus she isn't acting all professional, if you know what I mean. I like being able to watch these kind of videos with a guru I can "get to know". Oh, and her style is exquisite! The only minus, is that she doesn't post videos that often. But I think I'd choose quality, rather than quantity.
lurer på om du finst der ute nå

Right now I'm skyping with a friend, frantically trying to finish our presentation for tomorrow. Our substitute teacher said we had to have it tomorrow, even though one of us is having an exam. But to be honest, I don't really care too much. I'm happy to finish. Anyways, can't wait for tomorrow. A brown-haired girl I know, with a name starting with an A - is turning 18 tomorrow. It's quite cool to turn 18 on the 18 of November. In a couple of years, she might be the girl on the picture. WITH LOTS OF BABIES!! HEHEHEH
du og meg er like som et par dråper vann
Jeg drømte om deg i går. Visste du det? Og når du gikk forbi meg uten å si hei. Du har slutta å hilse på meg. Blikkene våre møtes, men forlegenheten tvinger øyene ned. Ned på bena. Skoene mine er skitne og slitte. Hodet farer opp igjen og leter etter deg i folkemengden, men du er borte. Og du går forbi meg, men jeg ser ikke. Jeg er opptatt, jeg ser på mobilen min. I dèt du går forbi, løfter jeg hodet, og kjenner igjen bakhodet som farer forbi. Jeg snur meg. Du sa ikke hei. Du ser fin ut med den mønstrede skjorten din. Hvor har du kjøpt den? "Det går dager, og det går år". Jeg har ikke sett deg utenfor drømmene mine. Der er du tilstede, og smiler hver gang du går forbi. Men viktigst, sier du hei. I virkeligheten sier du ikke hei. Kanskje fordi jeg ikke ser deg. Hvor er du? Der står du. Med en jente. Nå smilte du. Sa hun noe morsomt? Blikkene våre møtes. Denne gangen holder jeg blikket ditt. Denne gangen er det du som ser forlegent ned i golvet. Denne gangen er det ikke meg. Jeg fortsetter å stirre på deg, og jenta som du står med får øye på meg. Hun ser sur ut, ikke morsom. Du ser opp igjen. Men ikke på hun, men meg. Og du sier "hei" med munnen. Du sier hei.
onsdag 16. november 2011
you made up your mind

I woke up today, to what seemed like snow. But as usual, it was only frost. My friend told me it's supposed to snow this Sunday, and I'm quite excited. I finished reading a book today, and I am supposed to write about it now .. well three hours ago. But I can't force myself to start. All I want to do now, is sleep. But later I'm going to watch the last episode of I kveld med Ylvis. Right now I'm listening to I Can't Love You Anymore by Marit Larsen, and it seems like her new album is going to be filled with sweets. Who doesn't love some good music?
tirsdag 15. november 2011
alle snakker sant
mandag 14. november 2011
sardines in mustard sauce

(Picture: from his Facebook)
This is Matti Rowe - the winner of the TV-show "Alt For Norge". But he is also an amazing writer. A smile will almost always automatically appear on my face anytime I read his blog (puh, a lot of a's). He sometimes write about serious matters, but also funny things. Oh, and he sometimes tries to write in Norwegian, which is extremely amusing. I don't usually read blogs, I just look at the pictures, and then I'm done. But with this, I can scroll down and just read every bit! Go check it out here!
you go back to him, and I go back to black

Just when you thought you'd got rid of me, I'm back. It's been a lot of babysitting: changing diapers, talking gibberish, and feeding. But if you have good eyes, you might have noticed me watching cross country skiing. I don't know why, but I think I love it. While flying to Aalesund, I could see the tall mountains peeking out, above the skies. It looked very much like rocks in the snow. These are a collection of all the pictures I took. I was surprised over the amount. I'm agonized with pain, that I didn't take any pictures on the bus-ride through Aalesund, because the architecture is so pretty. Oh well, next Summer? I'm going back to celebrate Christmas this Winter too, but I don't know if I'll be able to see any architecture. Speaking of Christmas .. I need to do some shopping!
fredag 11. november 2011
Lykke liten
Hi there. As of now I'm typing this on an iPad, and is why I'm not going to write anything long. But I just wanted to say happy friday, and must you all have an amazing friday night. From where I'm sitting I can see the most amazing view - stars in the black sky. The good thing about this view, is that it is universal, so I hope you can see it as well. Lots of love!
onsdag 9. november 2011
nobody's gonna love you like I do
I very rarely watch the most watched video on Youtube. But today I decided to do it, and I was surprised to see that I actually quite enjoyed the song. Right now I'm studying like crazy .. trying to fit in all this information in my brain. I don't trust my own memory. I hope I won't sit there .. completely blank.
tirsdag 8. november 2011
who the fuck builds a stonehenge?
Seriously, I can't get this song out of my head. Plus, I might just have developed a crush on Bård Ylvisåker, but who hasn't, right? Anyways, I'm a straw away from having a nervous breakdown. I just don't see how I'm supposed to get through 70 pages for Thursday. Study study!
søndag 6. november 2011
heart-shaped box
A good cry is the answer to many things. Wow, I realise this is a quite opposite post than the last one. But to sum it up: I had a headache - then I watched Grey's Anatomy, and cried. And now it's gone. Like, completely, and I can move on with my school-work. Yay. I don't know if it's healthy or not, but sometimes I line up a lot of movies/TV-shows that I know will make me cry, and then I watch them. And I cry. After that I feel refreshed. Is that odd? Probably.
lørdag 5. november 2011
the funeral

Am I completely stupid if I buy these? They are so lovely! I sorta have two pairs of boots already - but they are different. And when saying that, I actually mean it. Not like people saying; "yes they are completely different, do you see the stitching and the other colored shoelaces?". But they are still boots, and I like to think of myself as a rational person. Oh, why did I have to try them on?
you completely erased me from your memory
I just spent my day cleaning my bedroom (much needed) and decided to clean my "memory box" as well. There I also kept all my saved receipts. I ended up throwing 90% of them, and loads of other things too. Sometimes you keep onto things, because it's hard to let go. But it's time to make space for new memories, I guess. I also found my old diary - and I must say. Re-reading a diary is probably one of the funniest things to do. I must laugh at my teenage behavior, at my several crushes, and .. well, just everything. I remember always wanting to grow up .. to be a grown up, and make decisions. Now, I would love to go back seven years and still be a kid. But I'm glad for my memories. I've had the best childhood ever! Enough rambling. Mum has left. I need to do some school-work. Instead I'm sitting here .. watching Youtube.
fredag 4. november 2011
when will I see you again

I had originally planned to go to the mall today. I did however spend quite a while at school finishing some things with a group presentation. But when I finished up, and went out the school door, the sky was as black as charcoal. The time was only 5:00 p.m, but looked more like 8:00 p.m. Anyways the mall-plan was cancelled. Instead I think I'll finally let myself read a book. And probably help my mum pack. She's leaving tomorrow, and she'll be gone for over a week. Have a nice Friday!
torsdag 3. november 2011
Battle in Seattle
I just watched Battle in Seattle at school. And oh boy - it definitely managed to provoke me. "Activists arrive in Seattle, Washington en masse to protest a meeting of the World Trade Organization. Riots and chaos ensue as demonstrators successfully stop the WTO meetings" (1). This movie is based on actual happenings, but with fictional people. But plenty of it could have and probably did happen.
I quote: "A week ago nobody knew what the WTO was" "Now... they still don't know what it is. But at least they know it's bad". This movie doesn't really show why WTO are bad guys, and I don't have any numbers or statistics to show that it's true. And maybe WTO in fact helps to raise living standards around the world by expanding the world trade. However, if I'm not wrong, WTO claims that they're democratic. Everyone has an equal vote right? But the truth is, it's not. WTO is not democratic. According to BBC, "WTO is run by the rich for the rich and does not give significant weight to the problems of developing countries. For example, rich countries have not fully opened their markets to products from poor countries". (2)
And I promise you that I could've written a whole article about this. But I simply don't have the time to do the research and writing. But just know, WTO might claim that they are the good guys. And in some cases they might be. But everyone's got a dark side, right?
(1) «Battle in Seattle (2007) - IMDb», udatert, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0850253/.
(2) «BBC News - Profile: World Trade Organization», udatert, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/country_profiles/2429503.stm.
onsdag 2. november 2011
put your hands all over
I don't quite know what's happened to my clothing sense. I usually know exactly what I want to wear. But now I mostly feel like wearing my pj's. And did I mention that I resent my long hair? I feel like chopping it off asap. Oh, but enough with the nagging. Today I have (tried) made another presentation about John 3:16. Religions are amusing. So many out there, and so many believers too. Anyways, I've tried to force my friends to come up with Christmas wishes. So far I've got some shopping to do. And have I mentioned that it's soon Christmas? Haha.
tirsdag 1. november 2011
you think you know people, and then they surprise you

(Pictures: Tumblr)
Hello November! I'm looking forward for your challenges and events. I just bought plane-tickets today. I'm going to see my nephew, though it's only for a few days. I am going the day after my sisters birthday. My other sister will also be there, and she had birthday the 29th of October. So it'll be the perfect time to give some gifts. Now I'll only have to go buy some ..
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