onsdag 29. februar 2012

I know everything you don't want me to

I've basically done schoolwork the whole day. Logged onto my ITL, found 6 new messages, where 5 of them were alerts saying I hadn't handed in 5 tasks. Most of the time the teachers makes us do the tasks in the class, and they don't really care whether we hand them in or not. But this particular teacher wrote "how are you supposed to learn if you don't do homework?" in each of the alerts. So in addition to studying for a test on Friday, I did the tasks. I did spend some time today watching Ellen-videos again. You must type in "Ellen" and "Facebook" on Youtube. It's hilarious!

tirsdag 28. februar 2012

love poisons truth

Hello! It's only Tuesday, two days of school. Still, I'm tired already. Anyways, I've been cheering up with watching Ellen DeGeneres videos on Youtube. And I've seen many of the top comments writing similar things like "I should be sleeping/I should be doing homework/I have a test tomorrow". It does become addicting. It's so easy to just click on another video. But luckily I have willpower. At least sometimes.

mandag 27. februar 2012

I don't love you but I always will

I wish you'd hold me when I turn my back. The less I give the more I get back. Oh your hands can heal, your hands can bruise. I don't have a choice but I'd still choose you.

Oh I don't love you, but I always will
" (Poison and Wine by The Civil Wars)

tilbake til tankeboblen

Jeg har kommet til konklusjonen at jeg er redd. Redd for livet. Jeg har så mange store drømmer, fantastiske drømmer. Men de gjør meg redde. Akkurat nå føles det ut som om jeg står på et veiskille. Enten velger jeg utdanning, også kan jeg forhåpentligvis reise i fremtiden. Ellers kan jeg ta et friår og jobbe til jeg tjener penger til å reise ut i verden. Jeg vil bli klok, jeg vil lære ting, jeg vil erfare. Jeg er klar over at jeg kan reise i fremtiden, men det er ikke det samme. Jeg trodde jeg hadde avsluttet denne diskusjonen med meg selv, da jeg plutselig kom over en persons erfaringer med et friår på Youtube. Det var som om hun rev av plasteret som holdt tankene mine i sjakk. Alle følelsene mine ligger på bordet som et pusslespill. Akkurat nå skulle det vært godt å sett en trist film og la tårene falle. Rart nok, gjør det meg alltid gladere. I stedet skal jeg gjøre skolearbeid.

søndag 26. februar 2012

love was made for me and you

Walking yesterday didn't turn out as easy as I had thought. Nor did it take 30 minutes. It took me an hour, slipping down the icy slippery roads. Luckily there were some snow that I could walk on. Plus it got dark, so I could easily have fallen without feeling flustered in front of everyone. We did a great deal of dancing yesterday and today, so I think I'm allowed to skip training today. I must encourage all to enter "dance workout" on youtube. You will find a lot of amusing videos. I especially liked the "giving and thanksgiving" video, as I like to call it. Youtube is the best thing ever. 

lørdag 25. februar 2012

she's got the whole world in her hands

Hello there! Today has been an amazing day with such lovely weather, that I couldn't resist go outside. It looks very much like spring has entered, which makes me both happy and a bit nervous (global warming and such ..). Right now I'm just about to head over to my best friends house, and I feel a bit like walking there, which will take me 30 minutes. So, depending on the weather, I might walk or just take the bus. I just rediscovered nailvarnish yesterday, after walking around with bare nails for over two weeks. It's called Blue my Mind from H&M.

fredag 24. februar 2012


Kjærlighet. Er ikke det alle ønsker? Det er i hvertfall det den vestlige verden prøver å inkorporere i hjernen vår. De som er buddhister, derimot, ville ikke ønsket kjærlighet. Det er begjær. Det finnes jo ikke noe "jeg vil" i buddhismen. Det er ingen jeg. Er det ikke trist å høre historier og anekdoter om håpløs kjærlighet? Tenk at mange av disse problemene kunne vært løst ved å fortelle sannheten. Sannheten, det er den beste veien å gå. Mesteparten av tiden i hvertfall. Da vil du i tillegg få god karma, om du ønsker å bli buddhist i samme slengen. Likevel går de meste menneskene rundt på jordkloden og lyver så det renner. Unngår problemer i håp om at ting skal forbedre seg. At det går an å være så naiv. Ta saken i egne hender sier de. De som ble suksessfulle. Men de vet da vel ikke om det vil gi positivt utslag i ditt tilfelle. Også står du bare stille. Fordi du ikke vil risikere å gjøre noen feil. Også står du bare stille så lenge at livet er over. Du får kreft, eller en annen dødelig sykdom. Og da angrer du. Da blir du sint. Sint fordi du ikke tok den sjansen. Og nå kunne du gitt alt for å skru tilbake tiden. I stedet ligger du på en sykehusseng, og blir bitter. Også viskes livet ditt bort. Men så kommer det en ny person i den samme situasjonen. Han er opptatt av å unngå feil, når han begår den største feilen. Å slutte å ta sjanser. 

torsdag 23. februar 2012

love is more than just a game for two

I am more pleased to find covers of songs, rather than listening to new songs, I think. This one is extraordinary, and makes me want to watch the most cheesiest romantic movie right now. Ah, her voice is so heavenly! 

can't beat the feeling

I spent whole yesterday reading Wuthering Heights. I finished at 2:00, but didn't go to bed before 3:30. I am supposed to study today, but as it is vacation, I might skip it. However, before the vacation, I did promise myself to look at study-opportunities. After three years of fretting about what to become, I've still no clue. I know very well what I want to do in life. I want to travel. However, I'm quite sure there are no jobs paying me money for travelling around the world for my own satisfaction.

wuthering heights

"Wuthering Heights is the wild, passionate story of intense and almost demonic love between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, a foundling adopted by Catherine's father. After Mr Earnshaw's death, Heathcliff is bullied and humiliated by Catherine's brother Hindley and, wrongly believing that his love for Catherine is not reciprocated, leaves Wuthering Heights, only to return years later as a wealthy and polished man. He proceeds to extract a terrible revenge for his former miseries" 

I just finished reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, and I can't help but thinking of a tune I recently discovered. It's called Je t'ai menti, which basically means kill for lies. The chorus goes "We kill for lies. Murder or loved to save our pride. Love poisons truth [...]". I started reading this novel for two reasons. 1 I want to read as many classics as possible. 2 The mention of it in The Proposal. I have started reading it before, but stopped as the language was (and is) difficult at times. Especially as some conversations are written with a dialect. In other words, I sat in my room reading aloud in order to make any sense of it. It is a morose novel. And most of the time reading it, I was furious at Heathcliff. However, the end of the novel surprised me. It was happy, and not gloomy. I was a bit disappointed because of the description though. I had expected a dark love-story ala Jane Austen. However, I can't be disappointed in the novel for that reason. I'm not quite sure what I think of it. Other than the fact that it is a hard read, and very depressing. 

tirsdag 21. februar 2012


Yes, yes, indeed. You are an aphrodite, Kylie.

les folis

I am currently watching Kylie Minogues tour "Les Folis" on Youtube. And oh my gosh, I wish I could have been there. It is literally amazing. It's not only music, but it's a show. I can't believe how much work it must have taken. I should probably go to sleep now, but I must continue!

Edit: falling asleep at 04:39 .. not the best.

all the lovers

I've loved Kylie Minogue since 2005. She looks like a goddess in this video. And that horse ..

mandag 20. februar 2012

her name is noelle

1. I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore, 2. A map over Europe, 3. A Simpsons tee, 4. A flower blouse, 5. A notebook, 6. A disposable camera. 

Went to Oslo with my friend today. Stopped at a cafe, and went on shopping. Meet other friends, and continued shopping. It started snowing, which was really nice, but also very cold. The day ended with a stop on Egon, where we ate. I came home just in time for the Burberry live show. I didn't come home with that much clothing today. I could sadly not find any shorts, so if anyone will drive me to Stockholm, then please, do.

søndag 19. februar 2012

I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby

 (Pictures: all from various Tumblr's) 
I've been reminiscing about summer, and honestly, it's all I can think about. Summer and 90's music. Tomorrow when I go shopping, I'm afraid I'll only come back home with loads of summer clothing. Oh well, I hear Spring is coming early ... haha.

lørdag 18. februar 2012

turn it up louder

I don't really care for the music. But this music video is worth posting for one thing: the dancing. Probably why I've seen GIF's of this all over Tumblr.


These are my only buys from yesterday (plus some food and icecream), though I had intended to buy clothing. If there are anything I love in this world, like material stuff, it's books. And I got these two classics for a steal. Barely anything. My collection of books are filling up slowly, and I can't help but smile because of it. I just finished reading The Help, and I'm going to watch the movie now. Fingers crossed for a good movie!

can't have you

This is what I'm falling asleep listening to tonight.

fredag 17. februar 2012

me and my guitar

Yay. It's Friday, and much more important, it's vacation. This means I can finally finish reading The Help. And it's getting more and more exciting, in fact, it's far more exciting than I'd expected in the first place. I got home from the mall an hour ago. Meet up with R, whom I haven't seen in ages. And then I randomly meet some classmates. And as if that's not enough, I had a living mp3-player following me the way home. Two teenage-girls singing songs by One Direction, Justin Bieber, etc. They were literally walking 8 meters behind me, but it sounded like they were standing right next to me. Wow, did you see the stars? So big, and so clear. I really tried to capture it with my camera, but it didn't work. Oh well, have a jolly Friday!

onsdag 15. februar 2012

I'm a golden girl, I'm an Aphrodite. I'm fierce and I'm feeling mighty.

I have a test to study for. Pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, gluteus maximus, semitendinosus, etc. Anyone who can tell which subject I have a test in, without googling anything?

tirsdag 14. februar 2012

hearts all over the world tonight

 Just finished curling my hair. Made a cup of hot cocoa. My eyes are sagging, and I'm just about to fall on my face. I'm prepared for a late night. I have some studying to do. And for all lovers out there. Happy valentines day! Did you see the animation Google made? How cute.

I'm gonna learn to love you with my whole heart

I've been watching Skins regularly since season 1. The first season I watched on the telly, because it aired over here. But then I found out that season two was airing, and I watched it on Youtube. Season three came, and I watched it on Youtube. Same with S4 and S5. It's 2012, and I knew I had another season of Skins to look forward on New Years Eve. But no, I can't find it nowhere. And what's the hardest part, is that you can watch Skins online on their E4's website. However, countries outside can't. So, here I am, stuck alone. At least it gives me time to miss Tony and Effy.

mandag 13. februar 2012

a woman taken by the wind

I must be the luckiest person ever. To my surprise, I couldn't find my phone yesterday. I searched for it everywhere. In my jacket, my jeans, my backpack. I tried calling it, and as if my parents were psychic, they asked "Are you looking for your phone? Have you lost it?". I have a history with losing my cellphones. After a little argument, my mum said something like "Oh, wait. I think I got a message about your cellphone". I went to get her phone, and there it said "This phone was found ..., it can be collected here ...". With help from my friend, we found the address, and the phone is now safe with me. I am very grateful for everything. Anyways, now I'm going to finish a paper before I continue reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett. 

søndag 12. februar 2012

if I said love came easy, then you know I lied

My failed attempt to take a picture of my friend skiing down a hill. Moments later I fell. Story of my life.
My friend and I went skiing yesterday. It's been years and days since last time, but I admit that I really liked it. Poor friend who had to wait for me every three seconds. And man, it really is a good workout! I can feel it in my arms, my back, my legs and even my butt. It might have had something to do with my countless falls as well. But that's me. I will deliberately go down a steep hill with my skis on, not really thinking about the consequences. Those thoughts come when I'm in the middle of everything - when I'm flying down the steep hill in a pace that reminds me of a roller coaster, that's when I think "whoops, this was probably a bad idea". But then I fall, or maybe even make it without falling, and I think "it was worth it".

lørdag 11. februar 2012

lonely boy

"But I came to love you anyway. So you tore my heart out, and I don't mind bleeding". Amazing cover by Taylor Berrett, in my personal opinion, it's even better than the original.

fredag 10. februar 2012

life is like a jigsaw, sometimes it's all over the floor

I remember watching this video way back, and I fell in love with the song. At that time, one of the top comments were one saying the artist of the group. Turns out it was George Craig, whom I didn't know anything about at that time. I was just watching the Burberry Prorsum Spring/Summer 2012 collection show today, and my judge was: I miss the pastel colours. Plus I miss George as one of the models, though I did spot him watching. I personally thought the collection looked a bit too fall. I miss the Burberry Prorsum Spring/Summer 2010 collection. My gosh, that must have been my favorite ever. And the shoes styled with the socks. To die for.