Happy Easter .. I am finding it hard to blog right now, got nothing on my mind, other than the fact that I am leaving tomorrow. I can't wait. I love road-trips .. whereas my other family members hate them. I am going to my older sister's new house - and the whole family will be gathered once again. I did some packing today: I stuffed a bunch of stuff in my rucksack - the rucksack I used when I traveled to China - and it really reminded me of China. The sight of it, the smell, the empty pockets .. and then my aunt came for a short visit. Agh, I miss China and my family over there. Anyways, I'll just leave you with a little short story I wrote last night:
"You do realise that this is just like a movie?" "What? Sitting on the balcony with a girl, watching the moon and the stars? Yes, I do," he replied. She slightly turned her head, and smiled to herself. "And this is usually the moment where the boy kisses the girl". "Does that mean that you want a kiss?" he smirked. "Well, no, this is reality. I just want some fruit". They laughed as they walked inside. "However, if it would have been a book, it would just have been a nice silence." She hummed to 'A Banana' while grabbing some fruit. He brought a blanket to share. "Oh, delightful. Can't we just sleep outside?" she asked. "If you want to freeze outside, it's alright for me". There were something attractive by his sloppiness. His messy hair, and his clothes all curled up. She found herself staring, but quickly looked away as she realised. He was talking about the milky way, and other galaxies. She nodded along, though she did not listen to a single word that came out of his mouth. Instead, she studied his face. "Uhm, everything okay?". She snapped out of her gaze. "Oh, sorry, what did you say?" He laughed at her. "You are one silly girl". "It's cold," she replied with a forced sad face. "Told ya! Oh wait, is this the part where the boy offer his jacket?" he smiled. "Ha-ha, let's just get inside. I need some sleep". "Yeah, by the way, since this is not a movie, you are sleeping on the couch."