søndag 26. juni 2011

see no more

How many times haven't you seen Nicole Richie walking around in a flowery dress? I always find it inspiring anyways. Right now I'm watching a stupid television-show about Americans trying to be a stereotypical Norwegian .. vikings. Lol. The weekend has been lovely, though I haven't slept as much as I wanted. Tomorrow I'm back to work. Working 7-14:30. Tiring? Yes. I was very negative about work today, but I guess it's worth it, as I'm going to make hell of a lot money. Oh my gosh, I don't think I've mentioned Joe Jonas' new single? It's like a week old, or more. I was very skeptical to it at the beginning. In fact, I was skeptical to the whole Joe-project, as I know that he's not the best musician. And I do admit that I don't love the song. However I really like it! The hook is very catchy .. not so weird when he only repeats "I don't wanna see no more". But hey, the lyrics are better than most of the songs on top 10. Plus it was written by Chris Brown. :))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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