Dream apartment much? Probably. Right now I'm stressing my bottoms off. Tomorrow, my sister arrives with her baby. I have a tiny presentation, that I'm not even going to bother studying for. And then my other sister arrives on Thursday. On Friday I have a very important presentation, plus I've got an assignment, which is also important. My brother will probably arrive on Friday as well. And then on Saturday it's the prom. And then my siblings are off on Monday or Sunday. I'm not quite sure. And then I have another presentation on Tuesday, before I have another test on Thursday. And these are probably all of my most important subjects too. The classes I really need to do good in. I know for sure that I won't die, but it's a bit sad that I have all these things going on while all my siblings will be here. Yep, I'll just be isolated in my room studying.
tirsdag 31. januar 2012
mandag 30. januar 2012
ludovico einaudi
It was because of this video, that I first listened to a song by Ludovico Einaudi. He is a pianist and a composer. In order to listen to one of his many songs, "Divenire", fast forward to 05:04. And "Primavera", also by Einaudi is played from the start till 01:52. The other alternative is to watch the whole thing if you're a fan of Petter Northug as well. My favorites by Einaudi are: "Divenire", "The Earth Prelude", "Primavera", and "I Giorni". But then again, I haven't heard all of his songs, and I'm sure I'll probably find lots of other favorites
letters from the sky
Oh my gosh. I've never been this excited about shopping food before. I'm trying to change my food-habits into something healthier. I'm not one of those crazy low-carbs-diet people, that wants to get thinner. In fact, I'm probably the opposite. One of the main reasons why I'm doing this, is because I don't train regularly. But I've always eaten loads of crap. I might not look fat on the outside, but I'd say that it's even more dangerous "to be fat on the inside". In order to get healthy you've got to focus on both training and your diet. And I'm taking one step at a time - changing my diet. I'll probably still be stuffing some chocolate in my mouth every Saturday. Oh well.
lørdag 28. januar 2012
I been thinking bout' forever
These are not mine. Sadly. They are my sisters. And they are so beautiful. Too bad she wears two sizes larger than me. But still. Converse are pure beauty to me. Like, whenever I spot a guy with Converse, I just immediately smile. I just have to.
my eyes don't shed tears

Not long ago, I said that I didn't get why everyone was so fond of Frank Ocean. Why there were so much excitement around an artist. I heard Novacane, and I didn't get it. And then Ian Eastwood posted a choreography to his music. I still didn't understand. And I still don't quite understand. But after listening to Thinking About You, I think I have a clue. Anyways, back to watching Grey's Anatomy.
fredag 27. januar 2012
would it make you feel better to watch me while I bleed?
At the moment, I'm trying out different styles of hair, make-up, etc. Next Saturday I'm attending prom, weirdly enough. And since my dress is quite simple, I think I want to do something with my accessories. I just don't quite know yet. I had gym today, and we played handball. I really do love watching handball, but actually playing it. Ah, I'm just not good at it. Well, at least not as good as I want my standard to be. I like to think of myself as quite good in defense (generally in any ball-game). I don't really have any problems with pushing, following, etc. in order to sabotage the opponent. Whenever I'm in a game, I don't think. My body just does as it wants to. I just don't have time to stop and think. And I do stupid things. Like jumping on another person, toss myself on the ground, etc. And I always end up with new bruises. Every gym-class. I even got a little scratch today, and I started to bleed. I'm not complaining though. This is the living proof of my youth. Being able to be tossed around like that, and for my body to heal in such a short time. That's youth.
I just can't explain this shit
This is genius. Not to mention hilarious. I love all these "Shit ... says". Especially the Asian ones. It's like. Wow, I didn't know every Asian mothers does that. I mean, all these types of videos are about the stereotypical Asians, or whatever the video is about. But behind every stereotype, lies a truth .. I say. Same with cliches.
torsdag 26. januar 2012
you're original, cannot be replaced
This is one of my favorite videos from Ian Eastwood. The choreography is amazing. #Kubskoutz
onsdag 25. januar 2012
palm oil
Since I've turned older, I started thinking about what I'm eating. The younger version of me would be so gutted right now. I just finished reading an article about palm oil, and turns out it's quite dangerous. According to Wikipedia (not the most reliable source .. ), palm oil is an "edible plant oil derived from the fruits of palm trees. [...]". It contains a high amount of saturated fat, which increases both LDL and HDL cholesterol. HERE is the article in norwegian. The best part, is that you can check out which foods contain a dangerous, or alarming amount of palm oil. It turns out I've got to stop eating quite a few things. Haha, I feel like going on some grocery shopping now. Is it weird that I'd like to go the the US, only to do some grocery shopping?
tirsdag 24. januar 2012
I fell in love with the seaside
My playlist at the moment, called "number four"
1 Soldier On by The Temper Trap
2 Hjerteknuser by Kaizers Orchestra
3 Just a Boy by Angus & Julia Stone
4 I Was Broken by Marcus Foster
5 Seaside by The Kooks
6 Ooh La by The Kooks
7 Bumbag by The Zutons
8 Invented by Jimmy Eat World
9 Letters From The Sky by Civil Twilight
10 Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars
11 Neighbours by Theophilius London.
1 Soldier On by The Temper Trap
2 Hjerteknuser by Kaizers Orchestra
3 Just a Boy by Angus & Julia Stone
4 I Was Broken by Marcus Foster
5 Seaside by The Kooks
6 Ooh La by The Kooks
7 Bumbag by The Zutons
8 Invented by Jimmy Eat World
9 Letters From The Sky by Civil Twilight
10 Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars
11 Neighbours by Theophilius London.
mandag 23. januar 2012
that should be me
The downs with having a test tomorrow. I'll have to skip Nick Jonas' live chat with Cambio, though I've really been looking forward to it. I also owe my eyes to sleep. I fell asleep for an hour while I was reading for the test, which basically means I'm really tired. Or it could be because I was closing my eyes, while lying in my bed.
I met you the old fashioned way
"Any dick can roll up in a suit. But only I would know what really moves you". I really do love Invented by Jimmy Eat World. It has such amusing lyrics.
I was made to taste your kiss
I'm aching for anyone to upload the first Skins season 6 episode. However, I don't think it premieres until two hours. Right now I'm juggling a lot of schoolwork. But I've got it under control. At least I'd like to think so. It's Monday, and I already long for the weekend. But I've only got one test this week, and it's tomorrow. This way, it kind of feels like the weekend starts already upcoming Wednesday. Yep, I think this week will be a good one. Optimism is a good thing.
søndag 22. januar 2012
sweet disposition
Godt nyttår! I morgen er det offisielt 2012 i følge kinesisk kalender i hvertfall. Drageåret starter med tre-timers psykologi. Vet ikke helt om det er så kult, men anyways. Skulle ønske jeg var i Kina nå, det kan ikke være annet enn fabelaktig å feire kinesisk nyttårsaften i Kina. Her har vi feiret med "nyttårskake" og kos.
just close your eyes
I just found a new blog to follow. She takes amazing amazing pictures, and honestly, that's the only reason why I follow. She writes in German, and though I'm able to understand quite a bit, I just look at the pretty pictures. Her name is Alexandra, and you can go to her blog here!
hope for the hopeless
Okay. Skip this now, or never. Excuse the rage that will now be written down. I've just scrolled down a Tumblr, entirely dedicated to hate Owen Hunt. Yes, I am speaking of a fictional character from Grey's Anatomy. And I just have to wonder .. was I the only one who felt with Owen? When he shouted "you killed our baby" and that stuff, I'll admit that I thought that he was waay to harsh. But I also understand it. And when Christina and Teddy disobeyed him, and then proceeded to laugh at him behind his back. Oh my gosh, I was praying for him to go back in the room and fire them both. I really was! But that doesn't give Owen any right to take out his anger on the abortion-case. And I personally thought it was the right decision of Christina. If you know you aren't capable to love a child, don't bring it to the world. It would just make everything worse. And the last thing you want, is to screw up another human life. "The man is only human and being mad at him and calling him a douche is plain stupid. But I also believe that he does owe Christina a huge apology for what he said to her, it wasn’t right on any count, what I’m asking fans to understand is that Owen has a right to be upset and his anger reached a a boiling point where he just exploded. Was it the right place to blow up, no, did he have the right to be angry, yes he did". (Fan on Tumblr)
I'm sorry. Sorry that I'm spending all my time watching all Grey's Anatomy seasons, and just blogging about everything. But, hey, it really is a great show. It's got 8 seasons - that must mean that it does well on the ratings. And my favorite thing about the show, is that I can't make up my mind who's my favorite character.
fredag 20. januar 2012
sing for the lion and lamb
Probably not the best weather to wear Converse, but as I said. I use them everywhere. As usual, I've just been watching a few Grey's Anatomy episodes. And right now, I'm going to start studying for psychology. It's less than two weeks till my siblings will all be assembled in this house, once again. Plus, my nephew, David will be here! I can't wait to kiss those lovely cheeks. Probably the only thing I walk around thinking about. Happy Friday, and happy birthday to my mum. My mum is probably the only one I know who celebrates two birthdays. Those darn Chinese calendars, huh.
onsdag 18. januar 2012
crash into me
"It's okay to be scared. It means you still have something to lose" (Greys Anatomy, season 4, episode 10)
nobody puts baby in the corner

I've found my prom dress. It's not a typical prom dress, but then again .. I wouldn't say that I'm a typical girl either. I personally think it's gorgeous. The "I just dragged this stupid dress on the ground on the grass and through the mud" look is lovely. And it's simplicity in design, scared to take the light from the amazing pattern. I love it. It's a bit to big though, so I had to bring it to the shredder. Plus, I wanted to have an empire silhouette, as the dress is very long .. and I'm the opposite. Right now I've finally finished importing all my CD's on this computer. I have alot more CD's than I thought. And just fyi I hate Windows 7. I personally think it's butt-ugly. However, I don't think I can change it back to what I used to have, and therefore I must accept the changes, and evolve around it. I guess.
mandag 16. januar 2012

I've been living on this imaginary cloud for awhile. I've been avoiding any kinds schoolwork, I don't pay attention at school, I feel sort of lost. My weekends doesn't stop when Monday comes. They continue .. probably till Wednesday, and then Friday is back, and my weekend starts again. But then my eyes begin to twitch. It's twitching because I know deep down, I'll have to face school again. And then I wonder .. what am I doing this for? People feel sorry for young people dying, because they haven't started their life yet. I, however, would probably prefer dying now, rather than later in life. Just because I don't seem to know what's the meaning with life now. I'm confused, I'm just .. lost.
søndag 15. januar 2012
love death birth

I love finding nice instrumental songs whenever I watch a movie. They're different, because they are usually used to make a scene more exciting. This means that the song builds up tension, and more tension, till the song reaches a peak. My favorite is "Your hands are cold" by Marianelli. It's from the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack, which I dearly love. But "Love death birth" by Carter Burwell, is a new favorite. Mostly because of the ending.
blue valentine

Most people prefer watching movies with a happy ending, as I do. And for that reason, I must honestly say that I did not like Blue Valentine. "The film centers on a contemporary married couple, charting their evolution over a span of years by cross-cutting between time periods" («Blue Valentine (2010) - IMDb», undated, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1120985/.) It's got nothing with the movie itself to do. I've just learned to hate this kind of movie, and I did originally not want to see it. However, the charming thought of Mr Gosling persuaded me. And hands down, it is a good film. The film portraits many issues in our society today. It's the truth - and therefore I believe it's excellent. But that is also the reason why I did not enjoy it. I immediately had a urge to analyse the protagonists, and I kept thinking "oh my gosh, she's going to be hit by a car". Already from the start, it is easy to understand that the film has a glum tone to it. I watch movies and read books only to get away from the real world for a moment. I guess you can say that I'm avoiding the real world, and I'm not even going to deny it. I've got nothing to say about the acting though, I think that part definitely was phenomenal.
lørdag 14. januar 2012
hold onto this lullaby
I heard this cover before the song, and though I'm a big fan of Taylor Swifts music, this really beats the original. I'm obsessed, and it's lovely.
torsdag 12. januar 2012
onsdag 11. januar 2012
you and I'll be safe and sound
Jeg tror det er safe å si at vinterdepresjonen er her. Ellers er jeg bare skolelei. Ja, tror det. 13 år med skole gjør slikt med deg. Og bare tanken på 5 år videre kan virke veldig deprimerende. Tror jeg har lyst å løpe ut i snøen å bare se på stjernene. Tenk på det. Å bare ligge i snøen å se på stjernene.
love hurts sometimes when you do it right

New shoes. And no, I did not break my "no-shopping" deal with myself. I actually bought these before I decided to stop shopping. They are a bit taller than I had expected, but I sort of love them more because of it. I love shoes, but these will probably be the last pair for a long while. I'll even try to avoid buying any new shoes for the whole year. However, that's something I cannot promise!
tirsdag 10. januar 2012
søndag 8. januar 2012
us against the world

(Picture: Tumblr)
Running around sniffing sun lotion and listening to songs that remind me of summer, whilst ironically, the winter I so badly wanted a month ago, is coming. White snowflakes are falling to the ground, making the dark weather appear a little bit nicer. But the smell om sun lotion .. summer.
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