fredag 27. januar 2012

would it make you feel better to watch me while I bleed?

At the moment, I'm trying out different styles of hair, make-up, etc. Next Saturday I'm attending prom, weirdly enough. And since my dress is quite simple, I think I want to do something with my accessories. I just don't quite know yet. I had gym today, and we played handball. I really do love watching handball, but actually playing it. Ah, I'm just not good at it. Well, at least not as good as I want my standard to be. I like to think of myself as quite good in defense (generally in any ball-game). I don't really have any problems with pushing, following, etc. in order to sabotage the opponent. Whenever I'm in a game, I don't think. My body just does as it wants to. I just don't have time to stop and think. And I do stupid things. Like jumping on another person, toss myself on the ground, etc. And I always end up with new bruises. Every gym-class. I even got a little scratch today, and I started to bleed. I'm not complaining though. This is the living proof of my youth. Being able to be tossed around like that, and for my body to heal in such a short time. That's youth.

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