fredag 27. mars 2020

Hey, I don't mind you're talking in your sleep. Out of time, well, you still make sense to me

What a week. Been in a slight tiff because I've been feeling very unproductive because all of the important bits have been or will be done at the very end of this week. Thus the first half of this week has been an exercise in slight self-loathing. To be fair, I'm premenstrual, which I definitely know makes me more prone to negative thoughts in general. I went to bed at the latest 2 am at the beginning of this week, and I was extremely annoyed with myself because it's detrimental to my health and well being. Luckily I've slowly managed to turn the week around, and yesterday I did the walk to work in order to fix whatever I need to have done before beginning my new job. Turns out I didn't need it, as I have access to a lot of departments. It definitely made me question security, but then also, I understand why I should have the access. Anyway, I was glad to have made the trip anyway, because I needed the walk. I was surprised to see the amount of people out for a walk as well, and I can't say everyone kept a safe distance, especially elderly people. I walked another way home with less people around, and stopped by the grocery store. Despite having mostly turned around the week, I logged onto my work e-mail today, and discovered an e-mail I should have answered two days ago. That plummeted my mood for sure. I've got separate e-mails, and I've only got my personal e-mail on my phone. That's the only one I check every day. However, only after this instance, did I realise I could download another app so I could have access to both e-mails on my phone. So now I've got much easier access to my work e-mail, which hopefully makes it easier to avoid mistakes like that. On a completely other note, I've been wanting a pair of Crocs for a while now. I used to have pink ones several years ago. I used them a lot, which in the end was their demise. That being said, I had them for years. Also, I like to think I take care of my things a lot more in this stage of life. I was reminded of Crocs when I bought some for my youngest niece for Christmas. She's been obsessed with shoes, as many toddlers are, and both Volla and Mog own their own Crocs. So it was quite fitting that she would get her own pair. But yes, ever since, I think I've been thinking of a pair for myself. They're just so comfortable and practical. I've done a bit of crying this week as well, which might be due to the hormones, but I think it's mostly just because I've been watching sad movies. I saw Wonder, which is based on a book I read in Bali four years ago. I remembered I quite enjoyed the book, but I wasn't certain that I remembered the actual story. I don't think the plot is very exciting; there's no big happening or whatever. However, I think the magic about Wonder, is the characters. They're all so wonderfully dynamic, and you'll both be irritated and be fond of them at the same time. I really enjoyed the movie. My skin has been a bit strange lately, and I haven't been able to figure out whether it's hormones or new products I've introduced into my routine. So I've basically opened my last jar of the original Origins ginzing moisturiser and tried to cut out other products I'm not sure my skin tolerates. It's an ongoing experiment, that's for sure. I've been obsessed with reading fan fiction in the Harry Potter universe lately, and it's mostly all I want to do with my spare time now. I think I might be able to work on my taxes today, because I figured out a way to access the documents I needed without stopping by work. I'll do that and read fan fiction. A match made in heaven indeed. 

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