søndag 27. september 2020

if I get too drunk I'm gonna pretend everything will be okay in the end

There's a huge sense of relief to be cleaning away dust bunnies. I'm set for a new week now, it feels like. Changed my sheets, which I was supposed to do last week. Somehow it must have just evaporated from my brain. To be fair, I was working last Sunday. Work-weekends always mess up my routine. I'm just glad that I'll be freshly showered and sleeping in new sheets by the end of today. I cleaned out one of my drawers, where I keep all my notebooks. For the past three years I've been writing down weekly goals and summaries of the week. It's more of a productivity thing rather than a diary. Therefore I wanted to throw most of the notebooks away. However, one of them also included my travel diary from Rome however many years ago now. I've got a memory box, where I keep pieces and bits from my life. I've always been a diary-writer, just not necessarily one to keep up with it. Went through most of the notebooks in my memory box, and I'm both entertained and shocked at how dramatic I was in my youth. Felt a bit like one of those diary entries you see in a getting of age movie. Anyway, I've written my weekly goals, and my date with Ale tomorrow is postponed to Tuesday. That means I'll probably spend more time tomorrow doing errands. Think I'm also gonna spend the day cooking and meal prepping. I was hoping that the buses would resume running this week, as I've got night shifts. But it seems like I'll have to walk to and from work. Can't say it sounds nice after a 10-hour shift, but I'll survive. My work schedule in October is actually pretty nice. I suppose it's a bit of a calm before the storm. Parts of me feel like I should utilise the time I've got off to go visit my siblings. But I've only just done that. I think what I learned this summer, is the importance of planning time for myself. 

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