lørdag 5. mars 2011

I want nobody but you

(Picture: www.dulcecandy.com)
Prettiest shoes I've seen in awhile. I want them. Ever heard Nobody by Wondergirls before? I don't blame you, if you haven't. It's a Korean girl group, which isn't very big internationally. Although, I reckon most of Asians already know of them. I first heard about them, when they tagged along on the Jonas Brothers tour back in 2009. And then I heard this song when I was in China, last Summer. Just in some random store, all of a sudden I heard this familiar tune. Pretty cool. Anyways, my point is that I just heard this cover of it, and it's freaking amazing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9DyeXa71EE&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL

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