tirsdag 8. mars 2011

you make me wanna feel

Pictures: random tumblrs.
"..one kiss from you, and I'm drunk up on your potion" "gonna take you for a ride on a big jet plane". It's weird how you can feel so happy and complete in one moment, and then down and glum in the next moment. I hate when these things happen. Right now, I feel sad - and I'm not quite sure of why. I know I can blame some of it on school, and some of it on the lack of knowledge about the future. I have so many dreams, but I just cannot decide. I'm going to be the one who doesn't decide what to do in life, before turning 30. And then I'll be stuck here forever.

I guess the winter-depression has once again hit me. I quote from a blogpost from last march: "I'm starting to realize it's been a long time since I was so depressed by school. In fact, I wonder if depression is one of my hobbies as well .. " Oh well, there's a lot that's different from last year. Anyways, I reckon I'll be feeling better tomorrow. I just feel a bit lost. As Marx's theory says, we need to see the completeness, in order to see the value in what you are doing.

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