søndag 21. juni 2020

when you're breaking a heart, there's no way you can break it right

I was kind of hoping for the rain to suddenly pour down as I sat outside yesterday. There's something so refreshing when it starts raining after days of scorching sun. The scent in the air, and the humidity-- it feels nice for a moment. Also, there's nothing like a nice summer evening with thunder and a downpour after a sunny morning. Anyway, my night shifts at work were both good and busy at the same time. I'm glad they are over, as I'm not very fond of night shifts. After three hours of sleep on Friday, I went to meet with Oyster. I can't always feel the real temperature in this brick house, as it's always cooler inside. Therefore I thought I'd maybe need to bring with a jacket of sorts, something to cover me if it got cold. But once I walked out the door, I realised I'd probably just end up melting anyway. And I definitely did, as it's around a twenty minute walk from my house to Oyster's house. We had a catch-up, since we've not seen each other since we went travelling together in February. To my surprise, the wedding is still on this year, just slightly postponed. Also, it'll obviously be very different to what was planned. But I'm selfishly glad that there's still one event to look forward to this summer/year. It feels like every online order I've done the past few weeks has been failed. I'm having to return everything, and it's not a very good feeling. My journey to find a pair of denim shorts seems never ending. I'll have to see if I can find a pair when I'm meeting up with the kilo-gang. I've not been to the city for months, and I never really go unless it's to meet one of the girls. As the virus has been doing it's thing, I've been mostly staying at home or just going to work. So I haven't been able to peruse the different shops in the city. I imagine I'll be disappointed anyway, as I never seem to be able to find whatever I'm looking for. We'll see. I've done my cleaning today, and I've even found time to experiment with my new make-up. I've been having a break from bareMinerals lately, but it's definitely one of those things that'll always stay a favourite for me. Although I'm supposed to use minimal cosmetics on my eczema, I've tried on a bit of product on the skin. To be fair, Avène Cicalfate repair cream has really done a good job with slowly repairing my skin. The texture is a lot better, as there was a time where the affected skin felt a bit like sand paper. I'm actually getting hopeful that the perioral dermatitis will disappear without having to take antibiotics. Even if it does disappear, I'll always keep a tube of the repair cream. It genuinely has done wonders for me. Anyway, I'm gonna spend the rest of the evening knitting. Perhaps watch a new show? 

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