torsdag 10. mai 2012

when he lays you down I might just die inside

Friday. Please come soon. I love Fridays so much I should probably name my firstborn "Friday". I did not have the presentation today. I finished writing the script for the presentation yesterday about 2:00. Tried to wake up at 07:30, but didn't work well. Slept till 08:30. Tried to fix the powerpoint. 09:15 I had to go and get ready for school. 10:45 - school started, but with no teacher to my joy. 12:30 - realised I wouldn't be finished till the next subject, and would have to postpone my presentation. 15:50 - home, ran upstairs and started typing. 16:01 - looking at the time. 16:05 - looking at the time. 17:00 - slight panic. 17:38 - blogging.

Basically all I have to do now is to practice. I need to know word for word - well, not completely. Just enough for me to feel okay. 17:42 - post the blogpost, and turn on some 1D-music.

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