onsdag 30. oktober 2019

oh, to see without my eyes; the first time that you kissed me

I am definitely on a high at the moment. Every day feels exciting, and I want to do so many things. I just have to remind myself that I'm in no rush. My horoscope the past few days have been scarily accurate, and today it said I'd be filled with frisky energy. Frisky indeed. I've been a hermit for the past year, so leaving the house twice today felt quite strange. I had tentative plans with my belieber friend that fell through. It was like my body already knew beforehand, so it was already planning on doing a few errands. The first time I left the house, I was heading off with the bags of clothing my younger sister and I have collected for the past few months to donate. The weather was lovely, and for a moment I entertained going for a long walk. However, I still had other things to do. So I walked back home. I had some food and painted my nails for the first time in forever, and then I went to the mall. Had to return a shoe product, because I already had one. And then I stopped by the library, where I found three books that intrigued me within five minutes of looking. The first book basically spoke to my soul. Second book is Bridget Jones' Baby, as I haven't actually read it. I've read all of the others, and I have seen the movies for Bridget Jones' Baby. But I've always found the books to be quite hilarious. Lastly I picked up a book which was recommended. The plot seemed really good, but I'm not sure of the points of views. Who knows, I might not end up reading all of them. Strangely enough, I didn't pick up any poetry. To be fair, I can reread poems and still feel inspired. Such as the poem I've photographed in the second picture. It's more like the foreword in Pillow Thoughts by Courtney Peppernell. I like it a lot, it feels so encouraging despite whatever one is going through at the moment. Life is by no means easy, and often times we are thrown curve balls. However, a lot of us has persevered and survived despite the many curve balls. And I think there's something inspiring about that. After my quick library visit, I went to pick up a package from the post office. Last week I did an online order, where I picked out two jackets and a skirt. One of the jackets isn't really appropriate for winter. I might be able to get a few wears out of it, before I need to retire it until spring comes along. However, I actually love it. It reminds me of something a farmer in the UK would wear. Only need to pair it with my wellies, and I'll be sorted. It's navy rather than green though, but I needed a lightweight jacket that isn't my green one. The other jacket is a black bomber, which I think is one size too big. So I'll have to stop by the mall again to change sizes. It feels like I've got a wardrobe full of just outerwear, and I probably do if I would keep them all in the same place. But then again, I'm a person who gets cold easily. Also, living in this country requires outerwear for maybe ten months of the year. I'd say I'm probably wearing outerwear for eleven months of the year, but again, that's because I get chilled quite easily. Essentially, outerwear almost becomes your uniform more than what you're wearing underneath. The new jackets does actually add something styling wise, so I'm pretty chuffed with the additions. My tumblr-friend and I haven't really spoken in months, and I was kind of sure I was going to delete my tumblr, as I don't really use it anymore. But then we spoke again, and it's so strange how we're living entirely different lives but also so similar ones. There has been quite a few coincidences over the years we've been talking, which makes me wonder if we were always meant to cross paths. Or maybe even if we're somehow the same person but almost as we're in parallell universes. I don't know, but it's weird. I was planning to watch Lady Bird today, but I think I'm almost still digesting CMBYN. I suppose it really did affect me somehow. 

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