torsdag 2. februar 2017

no love, you have come too late

Did you know I started out reading fan fictions of the Teen Wolf fandom before I actually watched the series? Well, I did. I re-read a post about me starting to watch the series, and I wrote: "I am also really nervous I'll enjoy it much more than I initially intend to". I watched the 6a finale the other day, and I'm unsure of what to think. It's undecided until I've watched 6b, I think. Anywho, the last episode was filled with love, I think. It was full circle, and I'd be pretty happy for that to be the ending. Which is why it's so confusing to think of what 6b will entail. At the beginning of 6a, I thought the season might be my second favourite season, and I think maybe yes. But also no. Yesterday, I walked in the freezing weather, to my brother's place. I forgot to bring my mittens, so my hands were freezing (I was holding a bag. Otherwise, I'd stick both of my hands in my pockets). So far my winter-boots provide a lot of warmth. However, they're a bit too big, but also a bit squishy at the same time. Also, it's either super slippery (which it really is) outside, or the boots aren't good enough for the slippery roads. Anyway, I got there in the end, into the warmth and into the toilet so I could blow my nose. I haven't been in the apartment since my first visit, which is also when we did a whole day of shopping for the apartment. My brother has declined any help to put things together so far, so this time around, I got to see all of the furniture. I took a few pictures for my sisters, and to my surprise, Lynx wasn't in the know. That's what happens when you expect someone to tell someone something, and then it doesn't happen. My brother was making food when I came around, so I sat down in the kitchen, and we had a chat. He served a plate for me, then we eventually went to sit down in the living room. It was nice, we spoke of life and things. There's something about being in the company of my older siblings-- I always feel young. And at this part of my life, it sometimes feels good. Lynx eventually facetimed me, and I gave a tour of the apartment. Showed her all of the closet solutions, which we both "oohhed" and "aaahed" at. For different reasons though-- she's more like "oh, look at all the clothes I could fit in there", and I'm more like "look at how organised I could have things". I eventually went home, seeing as it was late, and my brother was getting up early for work the next day. I went to bed, had a really strange and disgusting dream, which slightly freaks me out just thinking of it. It was harder to wake up this morning, despite sleeping the same amount of hours like the previous days. But I got up, had breakfast and prepared for my doctor's appointment. The bus was late, which stressed me out, seeing as I had an appointment at a certain time. Luckily I made it in time. It's a trek to my doctor, really. The logical thing would be to switch doctors, but I am a creature of habit when it comes to certain things, and I rarely see my doctor, so I just can't be bothered. Plus it's located in a place where I spent a lot of years growing up. It's somewhat nostalgic. I basically just had a chat with my doctor (turned out that he used to work where I work), and then I went to have my blood taken. The lady had to try twice, and the second time I involuntarily hissed at discomfort. The other week, when I had my vaccine, I also got pricked twice. This time was the most discomforted I've ever felt whilst having my blood taken, I think. It's been such a long time since I've given blood, I can't remember how the bigger needle feels. I still think today's blood test was the worst. I don't complain, though, and I always tell people that I'm not bothered if they want to try again. I went by the shops afterwards, and I bought the most unhealthy pastry, which they only sell in that certain store to my knowledge. I shared some of it with my mother, and she commented that she really liked it. "It's because it's really unhealthy," I said. It's a good thing that I did another HIIT work-out today. I'm trying to implement one HIIT segment in all of my exercise sessions, before I do whatever I'm focusing on that day. Today I did arms and back, which nearly killed me. It's possibly what I suck at the most. However, it feels good to become stronger. I made soup this evening, and it turned out pretty good. Then I had a really good apple. So now I'm a really happy camper. Again, it's those small things. 

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