torsdag 16. januar 2020

We started as a spark, didn't think we'd come this far. But here we are

I've finished second season of End of The F***ing World, and I have to admit that I preferred it to the first one. I think it took me awhile to get into the series, also, I didn't necessarily enjoy the characters in season one. I think both James and Alyssa are quite self centred; they don't really think about their place in the world as one in many, and how their actions will affect others. In other words I think they act a bit like brats, which I think I was very tuned into due to the many clips of dr. Phil I've seen on Youtube the past few weeks. That being said, I have understanding that when you're seventeen, life does mostly revolve around you and your own world. The ability to see the overall picture is something that gradually evolves. But that knowledge didn't really make it less irritating to see the characters sometimes act like brats. But yeah, at the end of season one, I think I was somewhat invested in the characters, or at least the plot. So by the start of the second season, I was quite interested. I really enjoyed the plot for the second season and the different characters. But I don't feel the need to watch more of the series, which I think is telling for my opinion. Anyway, I had a phone conversation with Ale on Monday, and we made plans for next week. She's recently moved back east, and is therefore a lot closer. There's part of me that thinks it's strange, as she's been located at the west coast for almost a decade. It's a good thing Monchita still lives there, as the town is actually one of my favourite places in the country. I went to get my passport renewed as it's about to be too old. Wouldn't have thought of it, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm going travelling with Oyster in a month. There was quite the queue when I got to the police station, and I ended up being there for an hour. Whenever I do anything that entails the public systems, I've just learned to expect delays. It wasn't too bad, and I got done rather quickly. I got a new photo taken, and they asked if I was alright with it. I kinda laughed, cause passport pictures are never really great are they? I said the latter out loud, and they agreed. I finally found the bed sheets I was looking for, and I can't wait to change my bed sheets this weekend! They're a green colour, and I've been obsessed with green for a few months now. Don't know why either. My goal for this week includes going to bed at midnight. I'm not there yet, but I've gradually managed to go to bed closer to midnight. Last night I went to bed ten minutes after midnight. It was mostly because of my period. Usually my menstruation comes in the morning due to gravity, so even if it sometimes seems to show up in the evening, it's mostly just a prequel to the real deal. So I might bleed a little, but not very much. So I figured it would be alright to go to bed with a sanitary pad only. But then as I was flat on my back for a few minutes, I could definitely feel the movement of blood. So I got up and went to the loo again, just so I could push a tampon into my body. Oh the glamorous world of being a biological female, where your body is in a constant process of getting ready to gestate a child. But yes, this happening delayed my sleep, so I'm not too mad about it. As I'm trying to go to bed earlier, I am also waking up earlier. But as my body hasn't been used to a proper schedule in ages, it's taking a while to train it to sleep in the hours I want it to sleep, and be awake for the hours I want it to be awake. Also, I just sleep less well during my period, hence why I feel slightly hangover today. Thinking about it, it might also be due to the fact that I cried a lot yesterday just before going to bed. Was rewatching Please Like Me, and I've almost forgotten about the plot. And even if there were bits I remembered, I was still very much affected. Also, I think you can rewatch television or movies and learn or observe something new every time. I finished the last episodes yesterday evening, which can be described as somewhat somber and sad. It's brilliant realistic television, and I actually think it's in my top 3 picks of television shows ever. But yes, I did cry a fair amount, and sometimes that makes me feel a bit haggard. So that might be another reason for me to feel hungover. Today I've done a load of washing of bed sheets and towels. Also, I helped my dad with the new television he bought. My parents had dinner at my brothers girlfriends' place a few weeks ago, and they got back completely sold on buying a similar television and a washer/drier as my brothers girlfriend. It was slightly hilarious and worrying at the same time. My dad wanted a bigger television, which my mum also agreed on. To be fair, both of them have had their eyesight getting worse over the years. I'm so used to smaller screens as my computer, iPad or my phone, when it comes to entertainment. So I almost get a bit of a sick feeling when I watch a big screen for a longer period. So I did protest a bit against a bigger television, but I also figured that it's their house, their money. They're not really big spenders ever, so it's probably a good thing. I just sometimes worry that my parents are slowly becoming hoarders, and that they'll end up on one of those tv-programs. 

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