mandag 27. august 2012

he broke his own heart and I watched as he tried to reassemble it

I did warn you about the photobomb, didn't I? Black and white has become one of my favorite effects, if you didn't already notice. If you were one of those with patience, and actually looked through the pictures, you'll also notice that a lot of them contains architecture. It isn't until now that it has dawned on me, that just maybe I should have thought of architecture of a career choice. But life isn't over yet. Unless I die now or tomorrow. 2012 has been quite an eventful year, and it will forever have a lot of meaning to me. Course you don't remember days and all, but memories. And 2012 has given me a load of memories. Being a russ, starting higher education, and all the travelling. The year started with travelling home from Ålesund, where I spent my Christmas. I went to Paris with one of my best friends. I went to London with my sisters. I went to Trondheim with my mum and younger sister. And then there are all the "I'm going to" in the future. Thus far I'm sure I'm going to Ålesund in order to attend my nephews birthday. And then I might take a little trip to Bergen as well. This is looking scarcely like a New Years Eve blogpost, but it's not. I'm just very thankful for my life sometimes. And sometimes I like to utter it. Anyways, I'm currently listening to The Only Exception by Paramore. And it's such a beautiful song. And the lyrics are just incredible. Just incredible. The second verse is my favorite.

Maybe I know somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
Keep a straight face
And I've always lived like this, keeping a comfortable distance
And up until now I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk

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