onsdag 15. august 2012

mess me up so good until I'm begging for more

I did predict that I would instantly hate nursing school. And indeed I do. I almost fell asleep during a lecture today. But I put on my earplugs and played Animal by Conor Maynard. It was my savior for the day. I've been at school from 9-5. Although I didn't actually get home until 6:30 pm. I know higher education is harder and requires a higher level. But it's only been two days. And I'm totally burned out already. Sure, I cannot wait to read my schoolbooks. Can you believe that? But the lectures are so damn boring when you've got no fucking idea of what the lecturer is speaking about, and when the room is so damn hot, and there's no air conditioner in sight. And what possibly bothers me most, is the time schedule. I'm so used to order in my time schedule. In this however, I might have school at 10:00 til 12:00 in the morning, and then have another lecture at 17:00 til whatever. I mean. What the hell am I supposed to do for five hours in Oslo? I might as well just travel home. Oh, and I'm scared shit of the exams. And having to be able to put a catheter in someones urethra. I mean .. sticking a needle in someones arm is nothing in comparison. Ah, I was so tempted to just give up today. Just take a year off. Or in fact just never study and live home at my parents forever. That's how intimidated I was today. But I just need to keep thinking of why I am becoming a nurse. Right .. the day is nearly over for me, and it feels like I just got back home. This makes me so depressed. I didn't ever imagine that my life would be completely taken over by the studies. Well, now as I think of it, I did. But I didn't expect it happen this soon. I've just started, and I'm already going to lectures? This is crazy.

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