tirsdag 14. august 2012

they say bad things happen for a reason

This is going to be one of those random posts where I just write things on my mind. I have school tomorrow. And I'm currently procrastinating before I go to sleep. It's so funny how Call Me Maybe by that Canadian chick can bring all these people together (Sorry, I never remember her name). I'm referring to this youtube video . And no, I'm not linking to a virus. I'm simply here to bring you entertainment. A few days ago I tumbled across another British youtuber. His name is Jack Harries, and he has an identical twin. And I can't make up my mind about who I think is the hottest. I'm just going to link to this video, where you can see both of them. If you don't fancy them at all, I don't know what world you're from. Have I not told you about Wattpad enough? I'm just going to link to one of my favorite stories called Inamorata. Well, actually I'm going to link to another one called Always You. It would most defnitely be categorized as one of those chick lits. Although it's a bit more dirty. As in PG-13. The picture I've posted is another random thing. Just came across it, and Niall's blue eye and blonde quiff made it worth to post. Speaking of Niall. I really really want to go to Nandos right now. I was scrolling through Finn Harries' Twitter, and I spotted a picture of him being in Nandos. Yes, I am indeed stalking Jack Harries' twin brother. Anyways, I really want some chicken from Nandos. I've been craving candy throughout the whole day. If you didn't know, I stopped eating candy (exception: chocolate) a year and a half ago. And today I was staring at a pack of licorice planted on the sofa table, and I was so tempted to just lick one. I was arguing with myself in my mind. But then I sucked up and just went to my bedroom. Another random thought .. I had a nightmare about standing in the queue in a liquor store, only to be short of money. And I wasn't even buying liquor, I was buying snus. So now you know. The innocent angelic me have nightmares about rebel-ish things. If that is even counted as something rebel-ish. Right now it's 11 minutes past the time I planned to go to bed. A real old friend contacted me today. Completely out of the blue, and I'm kind of shocked. You'll probably not understand why, and I'm not even going to bother try explaining. Anyways, have a good evening. Sleep tight, and live like it's your last day to live. Except don't go crazy on the drugs, will you? Wow, I just found like films on Youtube. Like the whole film. Guess I'll be watching some tomorrow. Alright, I surrender. Seriously going to bed now. 

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