tirsdag 14. august 2012

“I'll always love you, Sid.” “You will?” “Yes, and that's the problem”.

Right. First day of school done. And it feels like I just got home, but now I'm soon off to bed only to wake up early and head to school. Again. I am currently wearing this (pictures) on my nails. And I'm too lazy to read the names of the nail varnishes. Sorry, but life is unfair. I kind of regret not buying any more Barry M products whilst being in London. But then again, I kind of regret not buying a lot of things. I finished watching Skins season two today. And I sobbed like a little baby as usual. Skins is filled with lovely quotes. It's most certain that you'll find gif's or quotes on Tumblr. It's been such a long time since I've watched this season. I mean, I totally forgot about Sketch. Oh and the cheeky ending with Effy there. I see what you did, yeah. Effy will always be my ultimate favorite because she was so lucky to be in four seasons, which is not the usual thing. Usually a cast is only limited to two seasons. Effy was however in the first and second cast. And because she's been in a lot more episodes than others, I've learned to know her character more. Hence my love for her and her manipulative personality and her troubled ability to feel happy. Anyways, we got the new IKEA magazine in the post today. And it was with a heavy sigh that I browsed through it, because I'm always imagining how I'm supposed to live. Always have been. And for once I actually had the chance to do it. Sure, I still have the chance. But there must be a reason why I'm still living at home, isn't it? If you really want something, you'll get it. That is what they say, right? Then I mustn't really want it, do I? Right, I've just been informed by my friend that I am indeed going to school early tomorrow, which means I need to go to bed now. Or, well soon.

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