fredag 31. august 2012

smile on your face even though your heart is frowning

Hello, I'm back again. I just thought as it is the last day of August, I might as well do another post. I just only watched the newest video with One Direction talking about the VMA's. And oh my gosh - the boys are standing in the changing room. Niall and Zayn is just in their boxers - which weirdly enough made me think of The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction. And then I just sat there feeling a bit disturbed. By myself that is. To be honest I feel like a granny watching a teenager in their underwear - even though they are my exact age. It's just, it feels a bit wrong. Moving on, I have actually managed to read a lot today. Although most of the reading was done on Wattpad. I sometimes wish I never found out about Wattpad. Life would have been so much easier. Next week I'm having a minor surgery, and although the main emotion probably should be fear - I am quite excited. I don't quite know why, but I've always wanted to be a patient. Not because of suffering of a deadly disease of course. But because of the experience. How is it to have a surgery? How is it to lie in a hospital bed? How is it to wear one of those hospital gowns? I'll have all those questions answered. I will admit that I'm not too fond of the idea that someone will be poking at my body. And if there will be any excruciating pain. That won't be too lovely. But I don't know. I like life because it gives you so many different things to deal with. To have a lot of experience - that is what I want in life. Oh, careful what you wish for. It might actually get granted.

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