fredag 5. februar 2016

looking at it now, it seems so simple

Despite sleeping only three hours yesterday in prior to my night shift, it was pretty great. It seemed like the opposite of my first night shift. I started out with a nice busdriver on my way to work, there were no shitty teens around. Yesterday I complained to my boss that we needed an extra person, considering the amount of work we had to do the first night shift. So I was almost elated when I saw that we were four for yesterday's (technically today's) shift. Admittedly there were still things to do, but I still felt in control, like I can do this shit. But I did yawn a lot, and my colleague said "yeah, I can see you're tired". I think it's rare that I'm very talkative, and most night shifts I read fan fiction to kill time. But both nights, my colleague talked a lot, so I felt inclined to talk back. I printed out my paycheck at work, and I'm always surprised that I even earn money considering how I barely work. I got home, ate, got ready for bed, and then slept for four hours. I think it was my bladder, and some banging that woke me up. I watched a bit of an old Kardashians episode whilst eating, and I had the giggles. In the episode, Kim is obsessed with Kylie's opinion and afraid she's not cool anymore. It's hilarious. The "third sister" comment from Kris was gold. I got my passport back today, and what a relief. Though when I opened the envelope, my own envelope was returned, closed, as if it hadn't been opened. And for a minute there, I feared it had just been returned without a visa. Monchita watched closely as I opened my passport to check, and there it was, another visa. I'm really grateful my passport came back to me. I bought a load of chocolate, not for me, well, not all of it. But I'm sure I looked like that person who spends their Friday weeping in chocolate. It's started snowing a lot again, which is kind of nice. Oh, and my mother informed me, just before I left the house for a trip to the post office: "your sister and her boyfriend is coming for a brief visit this evening". "What?" I exclaimed. "I told you yesterday," she said. Pretty sure I would've remembered if she told me. I know I don't have the best memory, but that I would remember. I am thinking about doing a bit of cleaning, but to be honest, at the moment I'm sooooooo tired, I can't be bothered. They're only here for dinner anyway. 

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