søndag 9. april 2017

when I saw you on that stage, I shiver with the look you gave

Traipsed downstairs this morning to discover my brother visiting. I'm sure my mother nagged him to come home to eat. I was happy to see there was wonton soup-- one of my favourite dishes ever, probably. The siblings and I sat watching animals on television, before my brother had decided he'd had enough. So Monchita and I tagged along with him to his apartment. It was Monchita's first time seeing the place, so she got a bit of a tour. My brother had bought a board game for reason I didn't really listen to, but we sat down to play a round. I lost, which I already knew would happen before the game started. Regardless, it was fun. After chatting for a bit, the sister and I decided to leave. We we're getting hungry, but stopped by Oyster and Mars' house. We did the kind of thing that no grown-ups do these days: we just stopped by without calling or texting on beforehand. Luckily for us, they were actually home. We had a bit of a chat on the bedroom floor of their younger brother-- my hands were distracted by lego. Upon arriving at home, we discovered that we had visitors. It was some of our extended "family" (not blood-related), and the kids were playing in the garden, which was a really nice sight. It reminded me a lot of my own childhood running around like that. My mother made spring rolls yesterday, which we had for lunch today. It's not that often that I eat spring rolls, but sometimes it's the best thing ever. I didn't exercise today-- in fact, I haven't all week. A bit not good. I will endeavour to be better for the next week. I've got work in the morning, which I'm dreading a bit because I'm not sure how well I'll sleep. And the normal dread before a shift, because you never know when it's gonna be hellish. 

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