onsdag 28. desember 2016

your point of view is medieval

I tried going to bed early yesterday, as I've been up past midnight every day for what feels like forever. However I was dragged out of bed due to my sister and mum getting a new phone. And therefore they both needed new sim cards, and apparently my dad's internet user is actually my mail. (It's been years since we made the user, so I'd obviously forgotten about it. Although it made a lot more sense why I constantly get e-mails from the company). After that whole thing (each member of the family currently in our house stepped a foot into my sister's bedroom), I went back to bed. However, instead of shutting my eyes, I decided to read some fan fiction. And then one lead to another, and suddenly it was 3.30 am. I was aghast, because I do actually need to get back into normal routine soon. Oh well, at least they were really good reads. One especially, because it was essentially like my favourite book. One of the things I came across on Tumblr really angered me. It was a review of the new film Passengers with Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence. It's a movie within a genre I quite like, however, there was a review on television the other day. It got a 3/6, and the reviewer commented the lack of chemistry between Pratt and Lawrence. I didn't think much of it, because I wasn't planning to see it anyway. Spoiler alert! Anyhow, I read the review, which said that Pratt's character is basically awoken before anyone of the others who are still in hibernation in their pods. He's woken too early, before they've arrived to wherever they're supposed to arrive. He tries to get to the crew area, however, obstacles makes it seemingly impossible for him. He then proceeds to become obsessed with Lawrence's character after he notices her sleeping in her pod. He's lonely, and he wants company-- so he wakes her, and they fall in love. Except Lawrence's character doesn't know he awoke her. Eventually she finds out, and she accuses him for basically murdering her. In the end though, because this is Hollywood, she forgives him. And they live happily ever after. It's another story where a male gets away without consequences. I want to add a quote from the review: "Passengers takes male sexual entitlement — the idea that what a man wants is more important than what a woman wants, more important than her life — and warps it into a (supposedly) charming love story". It infuriates me, because I think it's a perfect picture of how society is today. Sexism is so deeply ingrained, people can't even see it. I went to the mall today, but it seems like I might have to go back tomorrow. It's like the crowd just overwhelmed me, and I forgot about all of the things I was planning to get. I met Marble and her mum, who were just passing through the mall mid-jog due to the cold weather. When I got home, I wrapped the baby blanket and some other pieces for my sister. Then I did a quick clear out in my wardrobe. And since I'd begun doing that, I figured I'd do a bit of a clear out in the closet in the hall. I basically halved the section I was clearing. Most of the things in that closet is old. I usually use it to store seasonal clothing. I got my sewing kit out, re-fastened a few buttons and whatnot. Now that I'm done knitting the blanket, my hands are impatient to do something. I might get some new knitting gear tomorrow, I might not. Who knows. 

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