onsdag 8. oktober 2014

in the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene, only then I am human

Good morning. Here's a few pictures of the things I love the most about my birthplace (apart from my family). The mountain and the sea. My sister, nephew and I went for a long walk on Sunday afternoon, after bidding our farewells to Volla and her new beau. It was a really long trip due to my nephew jogging most of the way by himself. At a point he was exhausted, which I can definitely understand. But since he is a toddler, he has the luxury of saying "I'm tired, I want to be held". Refused to sit in his stroller, so I carried him for a bit, and he relaxed with his head on my shoulder and a hand holding my hair. We stopped by a playground by the sea, and whilst my nephew ran to the playground, I sat by the sea listening to re:stacks. It's my ultimate chill song, and I can't not listen to it when I'm feeling calm and serene. The two last pictures are from the Sunday, when I was sat on a rock by the sea. The first pictures are from our trip up the mountain, where I helped my nephew walk up by himself. We usually take a short cut up the mountain, but it's quite steep. So I spent a lot of time holding a small hand, and my back bent to adjust to my nephew's height. My back wasn't all that happy with me the morning after, but I did the stretching routine, and I felt loads better. Yesterday I stopped by the mall after "praksis" and splurged on skin products. I bought my very favourite Soap & Glory hand cream because I had to throw mine at the airport the other week. And for some reason they don't have Boots where Lynx and co lives. So I had to do with another hand cream for almost a week. It was very sad. Anyway, I also bought myself the Origins Ginzing face moisturiser, and the Origins Mega-Bright eye cream. Both have been favourites of mine for a few months now, but I ran out of both just recently. Since my face has turned into a very attractive place for spots the last weeks, I figured I'd go back to the skincare that I was using before the spots appeared. I figured I'd give it a go, though I don't believe that the skincare is the only reason for my spots. I can't say I ate very well when I was visiting my sister (ate loads, and not the most healthy stuff. Even had Cheese doodles, which I stopped eating ages ago). Also, I feel like my life has been quite stressful the past few weeks. I am going to re-evaluate my life choices, because I don't particularly like being stressed, not if I can avoid it. I am aware that this is the last year of my studies for becoming a nurse. And it is stressful, because I have a lot of things I need to do. Anyway, I switched my shifts at my "praksis" a bit, so I'm going to work Sunday this weekend, which means I've got Friday off next week. It was very needed because I've got work on Monday, "praksis" on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Then work on Saturday as well. Originally I was going to work the Friday as well, which means I'd work six days after each other. Usually that would be fine, but I've also got the 1975 concert on Friday and an appointment on Thursday. I'm just trying to make things a bit less stressful. I am really looking forward to the weekend because I'm meeting up with my friends and watching the Where We Are concert movie. I've been listening to all One Direction songs on a shuffle. I forget sometimes how much I love their songs, and how they bring back memories. Ah, the other day Niall tweeted that he had been watching Skins, and that he loves Effy. I was like "hell yes", because I love Effy and her brother. I want them back all the time. It's made me want to rewatch Skins as well. But I don't see when I'm going to make time for it. Right, I've got to go do school work now, and sorting out my life. My bedroom looks a mess, and I've got to sort out my schedule. Did I mention that I have the day off? Well, I do. Woke up at 7:30 am even. Read a good fan fiction and loads of bad ones. Not done one school related thing yet. I am doomed, aren't I? Ugh. Have a good Wednesday xx. 

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