tirsdag 28. oktober 2014

say you'll remember me standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset

At night, when I'm supposed to sleep, I look across my bed in the darkness
and I miss your presence in it, though
you've never slept there.
I have these moments of flashbacks to when we were both young and talking about everything.
I miss it, and I find myself
yearning for you.
Just, if I could have you here, or if I could be there,
just for an hour.
I'd like that. I'd like a late night with you, just talking about all the things we're afraid to talk about.
God, I really miss your embrace.

I am currently reading through a few law's, which makes me want to shut my computer off, and run away. Am trying to send off a question to Marble via my brain: "is this how she feels when she's reading her curriculum?". I am writing a very short paper, but suddenly writing another 350 words feels impossible. This picture is from this morning when I woke up. It was strangely light outside, and the clouds were moving faster than I like to jog. I had a lecture today, and it was a bit of a repeat of my curriculum. It's almost like the lecturer was reading straight from our book, but he was alright once he started talking about what he works with. And I guess that's natural-- you are more passionate about something you know a lot about, than something that you barely see. We skipped the last lecture, which means I was home before 2:00 pm. My bus was once again a bit delayed, which did annoy me quite a bit. But I'm home, and I'm safe, so that's all that matters. I've not got any lectures tomorrow, which I'm really happy about. Admittedly, I am going to spend it reading, probably. It depends on how much I'll read tonight. I really want to listen to the Breakfast show with Grimmy, because I've not listened to his voice in ages. Oh, and tomorrow is the birthday of Volla, which means I'll have to send my card to her. I've just not, like, made a card yet. That's a slight problem. It's Lynx's birthday next week as well, so I'm guessing I'll be having the same problem next week. I am really yearning for a pamper evening for myself. I would really love to have a face mask, and just relax. I am also yearning for cake, but that's something I yearn for all the time, anyway. I am currently listening to 1989 by Taylor Swift, and like, listening to Out of The Woods and Welcome To New York, I was a bit confused by how much I liked the songs. I'm usually very fond of her slow and sad songs. But the other day, Kiwi told me that her songs were inspired by the 80's, and it's like all the puzzles just slotted in place. Because I really enjoy 80's music for some reason. I mean, I spent the summer of 2013 listening to 80's music on the telly, like a kid in the 90's watching MTV each morning before school. Admittedly, Taylor's songs are quite sad, despite being upbeat. And I'm a sucker for sad songs. Also, they all just makes me think of her and Harry together, though I'm sure that they're not all about him. I've just made this picture in my head of them, I think, and it just makes me sad to think of it. Anyway, as per usual I've just procrastinated way too much, and now I've got to figure out how I'm supposed to manage to do everything I am supposed to do. Story of my life, isn't it. It's fine, though, I'm happy that I've started my paper, even. This really is a better week for me. 

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