torsdag 30. oktober 2014

for now I close my eyes and rest

Kiwi mentioned that she thought I sometimes write funny things on my blog. And whilst peeing, I thought to myself "I should write a funny blogpost". And that my friend, is the recipe of how to not write a funny blogpost. "Wow," I said, with awe in my voice, after watching a commercial for bread. I think maybe I'm a bit delirious. Or, well, scratch the maybe. I am delirious. At school, we were talking in between the lectures as per usual. I highfived my belieber friend in celebration for the One Direction concert. And someone said "I want cake". It might have been me, or it might have been someone else. And we decided to meet up after we were done with our group-meetings. Kiwi and I was invited to have a pint by a fellow student. It was at a pub/bar known for it's cheap beer. Sounded perfect to me (the prospect of sitting in a dark pub, having pints sounds like a trip down the memory lane of the Dublin adventure), but I don't have the energy for it today. It was surprisingly hard to find a place that sold chocolate cake. I think we went through five places before we settled for cupcakes. Whilst chatting with the girls, I was trying to get across a point by using metaphors. Mid-conversation I stopped abruptly, and exclaimed: "I don't even know where I'm going with this!". I've not made any sense today, it feels like. I'm like super tired, because I didn't go to bed when I should have yesterday. I just think I need to go to bed now. But first I'm going to listen to Watermät, which makes me even more delirious. Also, it is spelt chocolate mousse (kudos for my belieber friend). Also I dreamt that Kim Kardashian was married to Jared Leto, which was quite interesting. Tomorrow I'm going to read through my contract of employment and curriculum. Then I'm not so sure what the plans for Halloween are. Oh dear, I don't make much sense, do I? Sleep well xx.  

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