søndag 12. oktober 2014

we danced all night to the best song ever. We knew every line, now I can't remember how it goes but I know that I won't forget her

No, you don't have a bad eyesight (or you might). These are just very blurry pictures from yesterday. On Friday evening I decided to go to bed at 10:00 pm because I was quite knackered. And for the first time in years probably-- I slept 11 and 1/2 hours. To me that's quite crazy. These days it feels like I can barely sleep eight hours anymore. My body just wakes up. I'm guessing that my body has been drained by this past week. And it doesn't really surprise me either. Anyway, I woke up late, cleaned my bedroom (yes to removal of dust and clean sheets), exercised, had a shower, got ready, and went to take the bus. I went into town a bit early because I wanted to find a dress I've been looking for. I ended up empty handed, because no one had the dress. But as I was walking towards the underground, there was a busker who sang Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds. I paused my own music, choosing to listen to him whilst he strummed his guitar. It was just really lovely, and I looked up to the sky, which was when I noticed a girl in a blue gown on the top on Grand Hotel in a tower. I just thought it was perfect, and it made me smile. I arrived by the cinema a bit earlier than I had expected. And goodness, the embarrassment made me flush. Like, for each minute I could just feel my face flaming even more. But once Kiwi and my belieber friend arrived, it was better. For some reason, I don't think anyone thought about the fact that this was a movie premier-- like, the thought hadn't really swept by us. But there was a red carpet, and there was a speech at the beginning of the movie, and there were goodiebags. The fact that it's only aired this weekend should have given me a hint probably, but I keep forgetting that One Direction are actually quite popular around the world. Who would have known, huh? Anyway, I have mentioned that I'm not a huge concert movie fan. I did really enjoy This Is Us, because that wasn't a clean concert movie. But apart from the interview at the start, Where We Are is a pure concert movie. Like, it felt a bit like being at the concert again. My neighbour (not my belieber friend, but someone else) was squealing and crying and laughing-- she was experiencing all the emotions on the emotional spectre, it seemed like. I realised that she hadn't been to a concert from this tour, which is understandable as they didn't do a gig in Norway. I realised it because of her excitement when she realised the songs they were performing. Almost everyone decided to light their phones to Little Things and You & I, which is what people usually do during their concerts as well. It was rather ridiculous, but also left me a bit amused. "Where else would people do things like this?" I thought to myself. Remember the embarrassment I was feeling before going to the cinema? At one point during the movie, I thought: "goodness, how lovely to be at a place where people don't feel pressured to be stone faced and care about other people". And that's why I stood up to dance along to Best Song Ever at the end of the movie. And it felt exactly like the concert in Stockholm, because I did the exact same thing. My favourite part of the movie was probably when they were going to perform Right Now. Kiwi said that with this movie, you can sort of see the concert from the boys' perspective. And yeah, it was evident when they were awed by the crowd. Especially during Right Now, I thought-- when the fans somehow managed to do this. I definitely got goosebumps during that. It's like you can see how much it means to them by looking at their shocked faces. As you might know already, Niall is my favourite, so he's also included as a favourite in this movie. And I don't want to say it's because I love him-- it's because of his sheer excitement on the stage. He's just so pumped, and he looks (and feels) like he genuinely loves being on the stage. And it's just really evident to me when he's feeling overwhelmed and awed. It's like I can see when he's thinking "holy crap". I also liked the interview part where Louis and Zayn argues with Liam about the kidney story. And it's completely true! All this time, Liam has led the world to believe that he only had one kidney up until last year or so when it "magically healed". It was really nice to have Ben interview them, because he knows them personally. It automatically makes things better, because the atmosphere isn't as stiff as when it's with a random interviewer. Also, I really appreciated that he made the effort to ask all of them. Because when they're all doing an interview, more often than not you'll have some talking loads more than the others. The things I didn't like was that I couldn't just look at Niall all the time, ha. Also, I do wish they would have included more of their banter. But as I told my belieber friend: who watches two-hour long concert movies? It's probably a bit of a stupid question, because I'm pretty sure One Direction fans would love that. Oh, and there were quite a few songs they didn't include, like Better Than Words. But I've heard that it's supposed to be on the DVD, so I guess I'll have to get my hands on that too. We left a bit before the movie ended because we had booked dinner reservations at 8:00 pm. Marble and Sugar arrived shortly after us, and we all ordered some food. I had some pad thai and a Singha. We all chatted, caught up. I don't think we've all been assembled since forever? Maybe my birthday actually, if I'm not incorrect. We sat there with our drinks until 11:00 pm almost. It's my first actual drink since my birthday, because I've only been drinking beer since. Oh, that does remind me that my brother-in-law's brother-in-law recommended a brewery for me to visit. Anyway, we ended up walking to the train station in the rain, and only Sugar had been smart enough to bring with an umbrella. My belieber friend, Kiwi and Marble were suddenly poets, and making poems about rain. I told Sugar: "you've got crazy friends". I think it was especially punctuated by Kiwi screaming some gibberish after a group of boys/men? (everyone beneath the age of 26 seems to be boys to me). Anyway, I had a really good night with my friends, and it was needed. It was good for my soul. I was home just before midnight, and I went to bed straight away. Only, I couldn't really fall asleep. And that's how my night went-- I fell into a light slumber, woke up, fell asleep, woke up again, fell asleep, etcetera. When my alarm went off, it felt like I hadn't fallen asleep at all. Once I got to my "praksis" this morning at 7:25 am, there were no people there. And I was like "wait, is it winter time already?" because I've done that mistake a few times already. Luckily my supervisor arrived shortly after my train of thoughts. I was afraid that the day would be really busy, but I was completely wrong. It was even slower than Friday. I was genuinely asking my supervisor if there were any rooms that needed to be cleaned. A slow day plus me being a zombie does not go good together. My supervisor did actually tell me that I could go home at 1:00 pm, and I said "but what if it suddenly starts getting busy now?". "That's a chance you just have to take," she answered. And then there were two new patients, as if answering our calls for something to do. So I did end up staying until 3:30 pm as usual. Because it's Sunday, the buses doesn't drive as frequently. So when I realised I'd have to wait twenty minutes for the bus, I just thought there was no way I'd wait that long when I could just walk home. The only problem is that I was wearing my wool coat and my wellies. Wellies were a great choice this morning when the rain was pouring down, but not so great this afternoon when the sun was out. When I finally got home, I was exhausted, and I felt like I was about to fall asleep any second. Instead I ate, and probably filled my whole stomach to the point. I did this whilst going through my Tumblr and watching X Factor. I've come to realise that I'm quite behind the actual shows, because my dashboard on Tumblr was filled with pictures of Niall backstage with X Factor contestants yesterday, which must mean the live shows have started? The episode I watched today was the one where Louis has to choose six acts. And my goodness, what a bloody drama. It was even worse than when Cheryl had to choose. I was honestly gasping. Anyway, I thought the eight-member-boyband was surprisingly good. Hopefully they'll do well in the competition. I'm going to watch another episode this evening, then I'm going to sleep. Hopefully I'll manage to read some curriculum before then. Tomorrow is a new day, and I've got work. Then I've got the few last days of my "praksis", and goodness how I contemplated whether I shouldn't ask for a job or not today. My belieber friend told me a very good argument, I'm just not sure if it's good enough. Either way, I think I'll regret it a bit. 

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