lørdag 1. november 2014

I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Sing me to sleep

Hope you've had a happy Halloween, and for the party-goers today, I hope you have fun! I saw this picture of Harry Styles the other day, and it is true that he can be categorised into a "London Harry". It is true because he adapts another style and another way of being, I think. Anyway, in the picture, he's wearing a long coat. Which, I don't know if you've noticed, but I really love coats. Apart from shoes (and One Direction), it's the things I would spend a lot of money on. It is also one of the most attractive things a man can wear, I think. So because Harry's wearing a coat in the picture, he instantly becomes hot to me. That's how it is with men in general, which means I'm cursing a lot of people these days: "stupid pretty boys". Oh god, another picture of him in his long coat. This time with a baby's car seat. Way to go, Harry. Did you know that another of my weaknesses are men with babies? Arg. Yesterday morning I was restless, and something I can't quite describe with words. I didn't do anything of what I wanted to do, basically. I met up at the grocery store with Marble, where we bought ingredients for pizza and ice cream. The weather was horrible, and we both stated so, too horrible to go out, we decided. "Or maybe we've just gotten old," I said, after we had been complaining. Marble laughed and agreed. It's strange, because I didn't realise that turning 21 would be a turning point for me. But I can feel myself changing. I don't know. We made pizzas and munched them down whilst watching Idol for the juniors. Marble had just gotten home from school, and I hadn't eaten since lunch, so we were both starving. After eating five slices of pizza, we brought with us ice cream upstairs to watch Carrie. I had not heard much about the movie before, and only seen a tiny bit of the trailer. But neither I or Marble were keen on watching a really scary movie. So we decided on Carrie (or, well, I took the decision. If it was up to Marble, we might have been watching Maleficent). It wasn't too scary, though I want to give kudos to Julianne Moore. I thought she did a great job, and she was the one who freaked me out the most. After watching Carrie, we looked through the movies on the telly, and we stopped at Step Brothers, where I recognised Adam Scott from Leap Year, which lead us to watch Leap Year. I usually watch Leap Year once a year, actually. But I can't remember the last time I watched it. Anyway, during the movie, I thought there was something strange with "Declan"'s accent. So I googled him, and turns out that Matthew Goode, the actors name, is English. I wasn't all that surprised, since I had heard that his accent wasn't authentic. But I was surprised that for the past few years, I've thought that he was Irish. It was actually quite funny to watch the movie, after being in Ireland for myself. Because I could recognise what was properly Irish, and what was just stereotypes. Also recognised the pints of Guinness, didn't I? I fell asleep at 2:00 am, and woke up at 8:30 am? Can't remember really. I got home a bit after 2:00 pm, and I've just been reading a bit. It's really nice that I've still got today and tomorrow off. And I can't wait to watch X Factor tonight. Gah, I've been looking forward to it since last week. I probably ought to eat dinner now, seeing as I've not eaten since breakfast at Marble's today. 

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