mandag 24. november 2014

It's hard, the days just seem so dark. The moon, the stars are nothing without you

Hiya, I've fucking finally handed in my paper. I can't say it's perfect (soooo not), but I couldn't be arsed to put more work than needed. Hopefully it'll be approved so I won't have to re-do it. To be fair, I've not spent a lot of days working on it, but I grew so tired of it so quickly. This makes me a bit worrisome, because next year I'm going to spend two months (more probably) on a lone paper. I'm going to get sick of it before I even start writing, probably. So I've been looking at pictures of One at the AMA's yesterday, and my goodness, they're all bloody idiots. My favourite part of the lads at the AMA's is this picture of Harry with a random man on his lap. It also gives me life to see that he's sitting beside Louis' stepdad and mum, because I like to think that all the lads sort of shares parents. I like to think that they're all a big happy family, and that there are rainbows and roses everywhere. Another thing that gives me life is a video Niall posted on Instagram with himself and members of 5SOS. I have always thought that Niall could be the fifth member, and that he fits right in. I think it's obvious that he loves the boys, and that the love is mutual. Strangely, this made me remember my strange dream. In my dream I was looking for a hotel, which I think I had won a stay at. I was walking with someone I can't remember, looking for the hotel, and I was sure it was up the hill. But when we arrived there, I realised I was wrong. So I used as per usual, and I found that we'd gone the complete opposite way. The hotel was supposedly by the water, but the walk there seemed more like walking through the forest. In the end we found our "luxury" hotel, which seemed like a run-down hotel filled with teens partying, with a weird Chinese restaurant and a ongoing wedding. As I said, it was weird. When I got home from work yesterday, I was really tired and I had a headache. So mostly, I was just watching television. I watched British Bakeoff, which was interesting. I ended up spending about an hour on my paper yesterday, mostly just thinking. Not so much writing, which is why I spent so much time on it today. Because I didn't get a chance to watch X Factor on Saturday, I had a marathon yesterday, and I watched week 5. My goodness, I did not think it was fair for Paul Akister to be booted off the show after performing Clown brilliantly. Akister has never been one of my favourites, but it's still really sad to see people go. And it was so hard to watch when he was booted off, because he was so devastated. It totally made me weep and shout angry things at the telly. To be fair, I've never been such a big fan of Jay James, who sang against Akister in the sing-off. I think he did mediocre in the sing-off. I've just never understood the hype and the love for his voice. But that's just how it is, I guess. It was an emotional episode. Even Simon Cowell was shedding some tears. Oh dear, now I'm getting all emotional again. Don't you think I didn't see a bit of Louis (Tomlinson) in the background of week five's episodes then? He's always there. They also performed, and it was really nice to see them back there, because they all become so goofy. Especially Louis. I loved it when they all ganged up on Dermot, ah. Right, I might just chill for the rest of this evening. Then I'm going to spend the next day frantically writing notes to prepare for my exam. The upcoming weekend will perhaps be my last relaxing weekend. 

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