søndag 2. november 2014

she only reveals what she wants you to see

It's one of those Sundays with miserable weather, where I feel like writing poems about a great love, and simultaneously drawing a masterpiece that could rival Picasso. In other words, it's a good Sunday. I've not got anything I need to do, other than to clean my bedroom, exercise and have a shower. I've already cleaned my bedroom, so I can scratch that off the list. I also want to watch X Factor tonight. God, I really want to catch up on all the episodes I've missed. And it's not helping that Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan keeps live tweeting X Factor. It's a bit amusing, because Louis have been mentioned and been on the show a hundred times or summat? Only joking, but it feels like it. My current favourite is Lauren Platt, but it sort of changes each week, doesn't it? And because I've been watching from the start, I feel like connected to all of them. Oh dear, I am hooked. Before watching X Factor, we briefly watched The Hunger Games. I will admit that I don't know anything about the series, only that it's quite popular. I was half-watching it, half-reading curriculum. Admittedly I was quite confused by it, and since we didn't watch the whole thing, the only thing I can think of to represent the movie, is a beauty pageant mixed with a fight to death. Anyway, as I didn't have anything I needed to do today, I went through my pink box filled with random things, like a bath bomb I intend to use today, along with all my mugs and glasses. It's strange how happy looking at my collection makes me. Looking at pictures of Harry Styles in a coat and carrying a baby carrier still makes me a bit mopey. God, he'd be a good-looking dad, wouldn't he? It feels a bit like all I "like" on Instagram these days are pictures of babies and toddlers. Have to remind myself that: I'm twenty one, live at home, have no boyfriend, don't even want a kid to be honest. But I can dream. I am going to spend my Sunday doing all the things I want to do, and just enjoy a day off. Hope you have a good day xx. 

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