tirsdag 20. januar 2015

even when its wild, I'll be thinking bout you

Hello, it's nice being able to wake up at the same time as most of the population. Waking up at 9:00 am, instead of going to bed at 9:00 am is a relief. I was really nervous for my first night shift, because for some reason I thought I wouldn't be able to do it. However, the first night went well, and the second was a bit tougher. At least I got to see Kiwi in her groove. I keep saying it, but before Sunday night, I had yet to see any of my friends in action, actually being nurses. So it was sort of strange, but also not surprising when I thought it would be. Oh no, there's a crisis on board. I've been reading so much Teen Wolf fan fiction, now I want to start watch it despite cringing looking at a preview. My instincts says I'm going to develop a crush on Dylan O'Brien too, which-- I don't need more crushes thank you very much. But it feels inevitable. Also I can't seem to stop reading Teen Wolf fan fiction, so that's a new development. I have always been a person who likes to do one thing at a time, and I like to focus only on the thing I'm doing, before I start on something else. However, this school year has really fucked that up. And it's really stressful for me, because I'm not used to juggling all these things at once. I expressed my despair to Oyster yesterday, and she told me to focus on the things that are most important first. After I got home from the night shift yesterday, I slept from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm, before I got ready to meet up with Oyster at the mall. It was a successful shopping trip, and for once in a long time, I bought quite a few things. We headed back to Oyster's after she couldn't hold any more bags, and we basically just sat around. I met a family member I've actually not met before, and I also played the role of responsible and strict grown up, trying to help Oyster helping her younger brother do her homework. I got another view of the new house, and it's coming along really nice. Can't wait for them to move in actually. Ale has made me aware that Sam Smith is coming to Norway, though not anywhere close to me. He's doing a gig at a festival in Bergen in June, which is causing me a lot of distress right now for several reasons. I think I've mentioned more than once that I would love to see Sam Smith live. He was the artist that I fell in love with last year, or maybe the end of 2013. Can't really remember anything else then going home from my "praksis" listening to the songs he had released then, when he hadn't made his album yet. Lay Me Down will always be one of my favourites. And my god, when he did finish his album and released Stay With Me as his first single I was so proud. There's a lot of artists that I love and have loved and thought would become big, and Sam is one of those, so when he got so much praise and recognition, it made my heart swell for him. So obviously I'd want to listen to him sing live, and I could especially imagine it with Ale by my side, because we both adore him. I won't forget last summer when Ale was visiting. She came knocking at my door in the morning, and went to lie down in my bed beside me when she realised I was awake. Demanded that I'd put on some Sam Smith, and we both sang/hummed along. My dilemma is that I'm not sure how much money I'll have by summer. Because I ought to buy myself a new computer sometime soon (no offence my precious computer, you know I love you), and I think I should prioritize a visit to Lynx and co seeing as they'll be having a new baby this spring. And I also have to make sure that I get a job somewhere-- oh god, it's really stressful. I know for sure I don't have to worry about a summer job, but I have to worry about a job after the summer-- and I might have to spend the summer to prove myself. Basically, I'm at a turning point in life, where I'm slowly ripped away from things I'm used to. Although I know that I'll be fine regardless of the job prospects, because I have the safety of my home and family. I just have to remind myself of that, and that I won't like, die (hopefully). Ugh, I'm not used to think of these important things. Anyway, I went to meet my co-student today because we have a presentation on Thursday, and it was nice. I'm really enjoying the company of Aggy because she's fun to be with. She asked me about the night shifts, and I admitted to her that the second night was quite hard and that I was really tired. She said: "yeah I know, because whenever I see you you're usually smiling. But yesterday morning you just said: good morning". We take the same bus and get off at the same stop. So on our way to the bus, we saw it had already arrived, and I turned to Aggy and asked: "do we run, or not?". She said to run, so I ran as fast as I could in the snow, trying to not trip on any hidden ice. Luckily we made it, which was caused by the lady before us who must have taken ages to pay or summat. Due to the night shifts, my body is a bit strange. And right now I feel really tired, so I might go to bed early tonight, though it might be different after I get in the shower. If I'm a good student I'll find a research article for my presentation. If not, I'll either be reading fan fiction or a book. That reminds me-- I spend so much time reading on my iPhone, which means I'm swiping to the next side all the time. When I multi task, my brain isn't always at it's sharpest. So when I got home this afternoon, I was undressing and taking off my bra (because you don't willingly wear a bra at home, jeez) whilst reading on my phone. Don't you think I tried to swipe over my own chest then? Like my brain thought my bra would magically fall off by swiping my chest. When I realised, I definitely had a good laugh at myself. 

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