søndag 25. januar 2015

think I'm gonna win this time, riding on the wind and I won't give up

The snow is never ending. I keep thinking it'll melt, but then another layer falls to the ground whilst I'm fast asleep in my bed. Sugar asked me whether I thought it would be milder in March, and I honestly don't know. The weather is more unpredictable than I can ever remember. Friday's celebrations were really good. I got a bit tipsy on one beer, which I think indicates how much alcohol I usually consume. We were at a quite posh restaurant which was new for all of us. I suppose the location should have tipped us off at the posh-ness. Nevertheless, we had a good time, and we even got a round table. It wasn't until later that I realised that Kiwi had not specifically asked for a round table when reserving a table. "It's faith," she told me when I asked her about it. I also think it was faith that later on, we were asked to switch table in exchange of a free cava on the house. I realised that it was due to good manners that Marble and Kiwi agreed to it, rather than the free cava, which Kiwi barely touched. I spent yesterday doing quite grown up things, which included summer jobs. I told my belieber friend that I don't enjoy planning so far into the future. Well mostly when it comes to things I don't like. I also did some work for my bachelor, which is actually the first time. Though I've barely done anything, it made me feel ten times better because it's the getting started part that I am so good at avoiding. Sadly I decided enough was enough around 6-7 pm, and decided to read The Rosie Effect. It was really good, and I really love Don. I don't know yet if I'll write my opinion on the book, but if I don't, I recommend it. Today I have thoroughly cleaned my bedroom, because it's been ages since I've dusted properly. Right now I am reading through insurance papers, because apparently that's something you should do when you grow up. I am also looking through HTL Hotels website, because my belieber friend told me they opened a new hotel in Oslo not long ago. I am really happy about it, because I remember loving the hotel when we went to stay in Stockholm. I am really tempted to book a room for the One Direction concert, but there are not any rooms available for three people, which sucks. Bah. Today I am mostly doing school work. I am going to try finish my new presentation for the next week. And if I have the motivation I'd like to read through a research article before the day is over. I also really want to reward myself by watching an episode of Teen Wolf for all the work I've done this weekend. I didn't really have much time to do much school work and other important things I had to do. So that had to be postponed to this weekend. I am just not how sure I'll enjoy Teen Wolf, and which episode I should watch either. I am also really nervous I'll enjoy it much more than I initially intend to. Who knows? I have been having a break from One Direction as of late, mostly because there's not much to report from them at the moment. Though I must admit that I am absolutely shocked by the amount of tweets from Zayn and Louis. The tweets from Liam I expected, but not the stream from Zayn and Louis. I am also surprised that Niall is the one who have tweeted the least during their break. It's made me all flabbergasted. I have barely read any One Direction fan fiction. The only ones I read these days is if they include Niall. And knowing myself, that says a lot. I am excited for the new tour to start and see which songs they'll be performing. But I am also not that excited to be sucked into the fandom again. The reason for why I was really thinking of One Direction today, was because I was listening to Four whilst cleaning this morning. I've not properly listened to the album since before Christmas. The sound of Fireproof made me reminiscent of the autumn. But it also made me really content with life as it is. Even though I am going through a really stressful phase of my life, where I am making (direct) life-changing decisions, it made me think of how nice it is being in this position as well. Whatever happens, it feels like this year is going to be so fucking good. Despite all the downs I keep having. Also, I can't wait for the summer to come so I can sit at the edge of Tjuvholmen and enjoy the sea. 

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