onsdag 25. februar 2015

we'll hate what we lost, but we'll love what we find

When my belieber friend asked me what my type was, I said: "I don't think I have one". I think it went a day before I realised that I do indeed have a type. I just don't think I had realised it yet. Agh, I don't know if I'll actually ever revise, as it seems like I've just given up. Am hoping for some sudden inspiration to hit me, but I know I just have to force myself to work. I just have to start. It's Wednesday already, which means the days are going by far quicker than I sometimes can comprehend. Tomorrow is the start of my weekend, though I'm aiming for a doctors appointment on Friday. I'm frightened to write it down, just in case I'll jinx myself. I mean, I must get an appointment some time? The most annoying part is that I just want to take a blood sample to check that things are in order. And tbh, I could probably have taken a blood sample of myself by myself. Anyway, today was a good day. Aggy and I went on a mandatory fire-extinguishing thing?? Not sure what it's called, but we had to extinguish a fire on a doll. We all got dressed in what looked like farm suits, and slightly reminded me of being a "russ" (ah good memories!). Then we were shepherded into a small room with a door leading to another room. We were all standing in line, waiting for our turns. "This is an exercise where you'll have to extinguish some smoke with a fire blanket". He said "some smoke". Can you blame me for being shocked when I then ran inside the room to see actual flames? "Holy shit, is it real?" I think I said, when I got inside. I managed to put out the fire, though I don't think I realised it was actual flames before I'd gone outside again. Aggy and I had lunch in the cafeteria today-- with Faye, Sugar and Sally. When walking back to my "praksis", Aggy asked if I knew them all. And I went on a long story of how I know them all. It's sort of funny to see them all together when I've got so many different memories of all of them. When I got home today, I watched a recorded version of today's cross country skiing race. Was disappointed, but yet not really. It's probably because I've not been watching all of the races. It's not like I can go sit watch TV whilst I'm at "praksis". Oyster just agreed to make cinnamon buns for me this weekend. I've not seen her in ages, I think. At least it feels like it, and I can't wait to see the house. I keep wanting chocolate, but when Saturday comes around I eat one bar, or no chocolate at all. It's really annoying. I want to say that I'm gonna go revise now, but I am going to read some fan fiction as usual. 

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