søndag 22. februar 2015

I met you on the corner of the street. I smiled before I even heard you speak

When I left home yesterday, I had managed to spill nail varnish on my bed sheets and the floor, which I then had to ask Monchita to clean up due to fresh varnish on my nails. I watched cross country skiing for the first time in forever, and I was really peeved that Didrik didn't win a medal. However, despite all the bad things that happened to me, it didn't manage to throw me off that positive vibe I was feeling. The bus was even on time for once, which is something I've burned myself on a lot. My attempt to scare Marble, however, was failed. She sensed my appearance before I could even attempt. We met up with Kiwi, who lead us astray through a block of cozy houses that resembled anything else that I associate with Oslo. Eventually we ended up at the hipster cafe/restaurant/bar she wanted to go to. I had this really nice spinach dish. I love dishes with spinach in it, and I'm yearning for some saag. Marble and I had a bottle of Estrella, and we got Kiwi to explain us the difference between vegetarians and vegans. Turns out it was a lot more complicated than we initially thought. We had time on our side, and got to the venue an hour before the doors opened. Why, you might ask. Well, in Kiwi and I's experience, we've always underestimated the popularity of acts, and we always end up standing behind all these tall people. Marble and I had bought a pint each, and Kiwi had managed to withdraw money from somewhere to buy herself a t-shirt and a mug for me. Course I bought a mug! Anyway, shortly after that, the fire alarm went! I think we all just looked at each other first, "seriously?". It appeared that it was indeed serious, and we were all shepherded outside. Our pints were plucked out of our hands: "no alcohol outside," he told our confused faces. Luckily he just put them inside for us to pick em up after the fire alarm. We were asked to move across the road, and to my shock I could actually see smoke, and then a fire truck. And more shockingly, Steve, the vocalist of Kodaline came outside to stand with the merchandise guy and had a quick fag. I snapped a picture because I'm quite shameless. Then when the fire alarm was off, and things were declared safe, we ran in again, only to be stopped by the guard. He asked if I had any drinks in my bag, and I said no. He fished up my Kodaline mug, and I said: "right, my mug, which I bought". He said "oh, well, good buy!". Picked up my pint and went to stand in line again. When we finally got in, we managed to get pretty good places. I was being strategic, so I went to stand where I knew Steve would be standing. By then it was 8 pm, and we waited for an hour before the supporter came to play his set. He was impressive, because he could sing in a very wide range. However, his songs were kind of very similar. I was almost sure he sang the same song twice, which Marble later confirmed that he did not do. We then waited another hour before Kodaline came to play at 10 pm. In the meanwhile these people testing instruments came to do their job, and one of them looked bloody gorgeous. One of the first things I did when I saw him, was to turn to Marble: "he's really good looking," I said, pointing at him. It didn't even occur to me that might have been Norwegian and could understand what I said. A little later on, Kiwi said the same thing to me. Marble was sandwiched between us. We commented on his arms. "He's got good veins". Marble looked at us slightly appalled. I was blatantly staring to be honest. He had a good face, good bum, good arms, good everything it seemed. I was slightly ashamed by myself, thinking "wow, am I objectifying this person?". But that didn't stop me, lols. When Kodaline finally appeared, the excitement thrummed my body, and seemingly a lot of other's too. They started out with Ready, which I only recently heard, but have fallen in love with, so I sang along to all the words I know. My blogpost title yesterday is from it, and I just thought it was such a nice lyric: "never let the pressure tell you that you’re not capable of being everything that you want". Kodaline was amazing. I had already heard that they're good live, but they really exceeded my expectations. They sounded like the studio version, and they barely had any breaks in between the songs. It was a distinct difference between the old album and the new one. More instrument filled, I thought, because I could feel the instruments played in my veins. That's the thing about concerts-- you'll never listen to a song like you do during a concert. It was nice singing all the lyrics to songs I've listened to so many times. I was contemplating whether to film the whole of All I Want or not, because I hate spending so much time filming things when I can just stand there and enjoy it. So I started filming, then I stopped, then I started filming again. And I'm really happy I did, because I knew I'd regret it if I didn't. I was standing so close to the stage anyway, so I didn't really have to keep watching my phone to see that it was filming Steve. So I managed to enjoy it anyway, and sang along to all the words. I really enjoyed the parts during the concert where the crowd sang along. It just proved how much people enjoy Kodaline's songs. I have to admit that I was slightly distracted by "nice bum and arms"-lad standing at the side. I could look right at him, where he was hiding behind the curtains. The only thing is that, I couldn't blatantly stare at him then, when everyone was staring at Kodaline. It was acceptable to stare at him when he and the rest of the crew were on stage doing their job-- because everyone else were staring. So I tried to be conspicuous about my staring, trying to not make him realise I was doing it. Obviously I wasn't, because he caught me a few times. Admittedly I'm not usually one to stare at people, which means I obviously don't have the ability to be conspicuous about it. Had I been more brave (drunk, perhaps), I wouldn't have shied away when he caught me. I think it must have been infatuation by first sight, because I couldn't stop staring at his face, is the thing. I thought to myself, that he must be Irish, because he looked so much like it. That's a thing I'd almost forgotten-- that Kodaline is Irish. Hearing them speak was so so nice. It hit me with nostalgia, and I was looking through videos of when I was in Ireland today. I just think I'm always going to be in love with Ireland. Anyway, I had a good day yesterday though I'd love to properly meet "nice bum and arms". Too bad I'll probably never see him again. 

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