søndag 16. august 2015

You say it's time to leave cause it's getting dark. Feet moving on their own, we trust they'll take us home

I took 400 pictures in Paris with my digital camera. Split on six days, that'll be 66,67 pictures each day. Paris has an area of 105,4 square kilometres. 1 square kilometre (km2) is equal to: 1,000,000 square metres (m2). We ended up visiting most of the parts of Paris, without meaning to. But I still only took 66,67 pictures each day. Why? Digital cameras allows you to take a hundred pictures of the same object, so you can sort out the ones you dislike, and choose the one you think is the prettiest, the most perfect. But in the end, it ends up being about taking that perfect picture, something to show off, rather than capturing a memory. Since realising this fact, I've tried to minimise the amount of pictures I take of the same object. I've become more hesitant to take the picture, and I spend longer time trying to find the perfect shot. And even then, it's only when I think it's fine to look at the object through a lense, rather than watching it in real life. And more often than not, I choose to not pick up my camera. These following pictures are from the Picasso museum in Marais. Picasso is very much confusing to me. But I think maybe it was the way the paintings were portrayed, I'd like to see the pictures in a chronological order, just to see how his techniques changed. That's interesting to me, seeing how artists change in their techniques, and trying to understand why that is. I have to say that the museum itself was almost art. Museums are interesting, but the people in the museums are also vastly interesting to me. Which is why the following pictures is mostly people looking at art. Hi, by the way. Or you know, bonjour! 

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