tirsdag 18. august 2015

It made a mark upon the paper, a mark that could not be rubbed out.

Today I woke up due to my phone plinging. I'd forgotten to put it on mute. It was about 10 am anyway, so I figured I'd had a decent amount of sleep already. I told my pals that I wanted to have a night out in the near future, and that was one of the conversations. On a conversation between my belieber friend and I, we planned to hang out today. I didn't get out of bed until 11.38 (yes, I'm a lazy arse), and we were supposed to meet 12.30. It ended up being more like 12.45. But still, I barely managed to have something to eat. We went to a mall filled with interior. I've wanted to go there for months, and we finally went today. I ended up buying another gift for my nephew's christening, and my belieber friend bought the coolest picture frame. I think it's wonderful, and if I had an excuse myself, I would've bought one too. We went to the grocery store to buy things for a barbecue, then we waited for the boat which took us to an island. After a bit of exploring, we found a good spot to settle. Once we'd put down our towels and lighted our disposable grill, we went to have a swim. It's like the end of August, and it's my first swim this year (I'm pretty sure). It was lovely, and I forget how much I enjoy it. I'm not actually used to salt water, so it was interesting licking my lips after ducking under the water. After staying out in the water for probably 15 minutes or so, we headed back in to put on our sausages on the grill. I actually had four, whereas my belieber friend had three. When it comes to hot-dogs, I can eat helluva lot. We went for another swim. Swam into the waves, then after a flock of ducks, and then just wherever. I think we stayed out longer that time. It's weird because I barely looked at my phone, and my watch was buried deep into my bag, so I didn't actually have any sense of time. We got back to our towels and sat down, talked, caught up I guess. And before I knew it, it was 6.30 pm. On the boat back, we decided to sit up on the deck, and it was so lovely. Sunshine, breeze from the sea and a happy crowd. It just really felt like a proper summer day. We ate an ice lolly each, before we parted our ways with promises to meet up tomorrow as well. I told my belieber friend that I was looking for adventures, told her to tell me if she found some. And although she wont take credit, she made an adventure for us today. I'm going to watch Teen Wolf now, before I go to bed. It's getting closer to half of the season ending, and I'm hoping maybe there will be some answers. But previous episodes tells me I'll probably end up like a question mark this time too. Bonne nuit! (yes, I'm still pretending I'm in France) 

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