fredag 9. september 2016

I'm a cool girl. Ice cold, I roll my eyes at you, boy

Ah, Modern Love. This book finally arrived yesterday, and I've only been waiting for it forever. I did pre-order, but the book was out on August 11th, which means it's taken a month for it to get in my hands. Also, it looked far from new, quite scruffy. Not sure whether that's because of the journey it's taken, or if the material the book has been made with is so bad quality, it easily damages. So far I'm not impressed with Book Depository, however, I am willing to give it another chance. I started half-reading this yesterday, and finished today. I very much like the idea of this book, and I like a lot of how it's done. However, it's not entirely my aesthetic, which was slightly disappointing. It still made me smile, laugh, and actually cry. I was reading a letter, page 181 for those who has a hardback copy, and I suppose I just really felt for the gent, because I burst into tears. I also really enjoyed the piece I've pictured, it's somehow sad, but makes me happy, and hopeful. It feels like it's been awhile since I've enjoyed a book like I did this. Makes me think of all the magic I'm missing. I've been preoccupied, reading a fan fiction that takes place in what I presume is the 1800's. It is not usually my preferred timeline, however, I guess I just stumbled across this piece, and before I knew it, I was reading it. My cousin is coming to stay the night, she leaves tomorrow, so I guess it's the last time I see her in.. well, who knows. 

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