mandag 10. oktober 2016

Gje mæ nåkka som betyr nå, nåkka æ verkelig har tru på. For æ vil kjenn at æ lev, kjenn at det riv i hjertet

Just reading through my favourite book, "Lucy Sullivan is getting married", and there's a scene where there's a thunderstorm. "Thunderstorms filled the air with negative ions, although I'm not sure what they are, I know they're supposed to make you feel good". I have read this book so many times, but it's only now I actually read that sentence and thought of it. I googled negative ions, and it's true that they boost your mood. Apparently the amount of negative ions are usually high in mountains, ocean, waterfalls, and other. When I read that, I did an internal face palm. No wonder I feel so at peace in the mountains or by the water. To be fair, a part of that is also the view, and my associations to the nature. However, it's nice to see that it's also a bit of science. When Maggie and I was watching television the other day, we started discussing Australians (they were in Australia on the tv-show). It just seems like most Australians are really fit? Maggie meant it in a "they're really bloody hot", whereas I'm not very into the surfer-type (ugh, flashbacks to all the surfer types in Bali). However, I can admire toned bods. Sunday was a cleaning day, and just utter relaxation. Watched Stardust, which has to be one of my favourite movies. Then I finally got a move on and did a bit of exercise, which I haven't done in what feels like ages. Was very chuffed with myself when I was done. Woke up to my alarm this morning, and though I had enough hours, I still snoozed a bit more. I've gotten into a habit of sleeping with my window open, and now it seems like I can't sleep with it closed. So it gets pretty cold in my bedroom, and the act of getting out of my warm cocoon and stepping into the cold air is the least tempting thing. The past days I've been listening to Sondre Justad. I had a period last year when I listened to an acoustic version of Nu har du mæ on repeat. I didn't however, listen through his album. I have now, and it's really good. I feel like I'm always late on the bandwagon, which is fine. I just need some time to appreciate things. 

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