fredag 21. oktober 2016

I got lost in the storm of my ways

I found this postcard at the bottom of the postbox yesterday. It was soaked. It's from Ale, who seemingly never fails to send me postcards from her holiday destinations. Twas a nice surprise, you know how I love finding cards and letters in the post. That does actually remind me that Volla's birthday is coming up. I'll have to think of something. Yesterday I accidentally bought a hella expensive apple juice. I'm not exactly picky when it comes to apple juices, but this is apparently premium. I guess the ingredients are better (less sugar, more actual fruit, etc). I also got another loaf, which I've not had since last week (because I'm pretty sure my dad ate the last of it. Surely that's why he offered to go on a grocery run for me..). In the grocery store there was a Halloween set-up, as in you could walk through a house. I decidedly walked around an isle to avoid it. I also got my package, as expected. This morning I woke up 4.30. The days are mostly dark, but the night is darker. But in the morning it's hard to differentiate between morning and night, so I had to check my phone to see if it was ungodly hours, or just the morning. Definitely ungodly, but I was wide awake, so I had a bit of a read. Then I fell asleep again at 5.00. I had loaf for breakfast this morning, and it was oh-so good. I know it's not good for me, but, simple joys of life. Yes/no? I'm gonna go with yes. Who knows when I tire of it-- a long with most of my obsessions, it's inevitable. I had a pretty good exercise session yesterday, so it's fine. I really fancy some more loaf now though. October is almost over, which is crazy, as it just started. But I do find myself getting excited for jolly holly times, although not the excruciating cold. I was looking at gift wrapping paper the other day, and I was kind of tempted to buy one. However, I know the selection will be better in another month. It's still early times, and I'm trying to suppress feeling jolly just yet. I do have a knack of getting excited too early, and then not have any "Christmas cheer" when it finally comes around. Okay, brain, stop! Halloween first! (was singing a Christmas song in my head)

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