tirsdag 5. november 2019

Though it took some time to survive you, I'm better on the other side. I'm all good already

After my last attempt at buying a pleated skirt, I kind of haven't seriously thought of buying something pleated again, though I love the look of it. But on my stroll around the mall yesterday, I came across a "mini" pleated skirt. I wouldn't say it's a proper mini, but a kind of mini I'm comfortable with. Also, the fabric is really heavy, which was one of the things that sold it for me. It gives me a little piece of pleats without being overwhelming, like the midi skirt I still think is gorgeous. The skirt was on sale, which made the find even greater. I also bought a few basics, like a grey t-shirt and grey wool socks. My wardrobe is mostly old prude lady wear, but with a few bits of youthfulness. However, the youthfulness is often dampened, seeing as most of the pieces are in my normal colour-range anyway; greys, blues, and black. The reason for my trip to the mall was to return a skirt and change the size of my new puffa jacket. The latter is slightly too cool for me, but I love it regardless. The wool socks were a planned purchase, and my god, they'll come in handy. It felt a bit like I was going to freeze off my face or hands when I was outside yesterday. I'm fine in the sun; I'd even say I felt a bit too warm in the sun. In the shadows however, I could feel the biting wind. At the moment I don't mind it too much, as I've been able to wear my wool coats. Mostly I've been wearing my navy blue coat, which is my favourite, and I'm terrified I'll ruin it somehow. You'd think I had enough of coats, but right now I am dreaming of a new grey coat. I'll have a look for a new one on Friday probably. I'm only planning to do some perusing though! I heard a song at the mall yesterday that I kind of enjoyed without really thinking of it. So I tried to see if I could find it again yesterday, just listening to the popular songs at the moment. But I don't think I found it. Also, I realised again, that I'm really digging female artists. They're just really killing it at the moment. I'm hoping to finish the book I started reading today, and then I've got some exercise on my plan. Was thinking of doing a bit of ballet moves, as I've recently been an avid watcher of ballet. There's just something so fascinating about something that looks so simple but in truth is extremely hard. Also, if I was a painter, I would definitely want to paint a male ballet dancer. Have you seen their muscles? I imagine it would be a frustrating job trying to get all the shadows right in a painting. I will obviously never be able to get a physique quite like that. It's not something I want either, as it would definitely require a cut back on me enjoying life.

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