onsdag 17. juli 2013

if time is money, then I'll spend it all for you

Oh, er, hi! How do you go from a conversation about reading books and studying to a conversation about a break up? Oh god, I'm so bad at comforting people. I never know what to say. I was just having my lunch, listening to music and reading fan fiction-- and then this employee who I'll call Stone from now on, because I have a feeling I'm going to mention this person a few times-- waved in my face, signalizing me to pull out my ear plugs. Stone is also the person that decided to have a 20-question with me, and it seemed like it was continued that lunch. I think it was yesterday, I'm not quite sure. Stone asked me about what I was reading, and then somehow we got onto the theme of his ex, and I was like "oh, erm, are you okay?". And he was just pouring out his feelings and whatnot, and I felt a bit like Sugar (haha). Anyway, I'm sorry it's been so long! To be honest, I can't even remember the last time my computer was turned on. It's been lying untouched beside my mattress in my sisters bedroom for days. I've not even been able to go through my Tumblr dashboard, which actually kills me a bit. I reckon I've missed so bloody much. Also, I think I've started to dream things that'll actually happen some way. Lately I've been dreaming about Niall Horan and babies. And, guess if I gasped loudly yesterday when I saw this picture on Instagram? Also, I'm trying to figure out if Niall has been working on his biceps, or if he's just flexing excessively in the picture. Oh, the great problems of mine, yeah? Today was the first time I've ever written on a napkin. At least the first time I can recall. I'm going to write a recap post of everything I've done the last week. Either tomorrow, or in the weekend. My other sister is leaving tonight to attend a festival, so that means I'll have my bedroom back. And I'll have time. Also, oh my god. I'm still listening to the two playlists' I got from Kiwi, and I've fallen in love with Next To Me by Sleeping At Last. You should listen to it. Definitely. 

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