torsdag 11. juli 2013

the day you died, I thought that I was gonna die as well

Hiya Snapback Direction! Except Harry isn't wearing one-- boo you Haz. Oh, I've got so much on my mind- and so much to write about, but I simply don't have the time to write. Did you know I actually spend quite a lot of time writing my blogposts? Well, I actually do. But I read this rather interesting list "25 THINGS TO ACTUALLY DO BEFORE YOU’RE 25", and it was really good (link in this whole sentence). Whilst I was working today I was in the scariest room in the whole kindergarten-- a room in the basement. Therefore I was blasting music in my ear. And as you might know, I'm still listening to the playlists Kiwi kindly made me for my birthday, and I don't actually see what the names of the songs are. It only shows up as: "spor 1". But I recognized the song as the song Kiwi, my belieber friend and I was listening to whilst sitting at the edge of Tjuvholmen weeks ago. And I can remember my belieber friend stating how sad the song was, and Kiwi agreeing furiously. I wasn't listening that intently, because I was busy filming the ocean. But when I was mopping the floor today, I was listening to the lyrics, and at the end of the song I was nearly crying. And now I finally understood what Kiwi and my belieber friend meant. It's called If Only As A Ghost by Jonas Alaska. Oh, my sister just came knocking on my bedroom door and asked: "have you seen the sun?". And I was like: "erm, what?", because I thought she was wondering whether I'd ever seen the sun, and it sounded like such a silly question to ask, and my sister is far smarter than a four (five?) year old kid, so I was hesitating to answer her. She asked again: "have you seen the sun?". And I just stared blankly at her, because, I just couldn't figure out what she meant-- and then literally a minute after, I finally understood what she meant. "Oh, you mean the sun right now?". And she nodded. You see, my younger sister and I have similar interest in the moon and the sun. And well, it was after her 4:00 am walk, that I decided to do the same in order to watch the sunrise. Well, the sun was big and red right now. Well, it's gone now, but it was amazing, and I couldn't capture it with my camera. I actually went downstairs to ask my eldest sister and her fiance (alright, can I just call him Grepper from now on? It's a combination of grey pepper, which turns out to be the first thing I thought of with the capital G) whether they wanted to see the red sun. My eldest sister and Grepper shrugged, and said "alright, why not go see the red sun?". And we were all standing on the balcony side by side, staring at the sun, having a discussion of why it's red. My eyes hurt a bit now-- I don't think you're supposed to stare directly at the sun- ever. But it was really nice. A nice happening to squeeze into my memory for safe keeping. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, because it's the weekend, and I'm going to meet up with Kiwi and Sugar for a brief meeting, and then I'm going to the cinema with my sisters, Grepper and probably my brother. Alright, I've actually got to go now. 

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