tirsdag 30. desember 2014

every time I turn around something don't feel right

For Christmas I got the three things I wished for, and a lot of things I didn't explicitly wish for. This jumper is one of the latter. It was the first present I opened, and the one that I probably was most happy about, because look at it! It's got a father Christmas, Christmas tree, presents, snowflakes, snowman, and bells! It is obnoxious, tacky and loud, and it's surprisingly something I love. I even wore it out at the mall the other day, because I'm so in love with it. I've worn it every day since Christmas eve, though not 24/7. Lynx commented to Volla: "she really does love that jumper", after seeing me in it through Facetime for the third time. I'm going to wear it until the next year starts, which is soon. Did you know it's New Years Eve tomorrow? I was asking my brother which day it is, and he said tomorrow, and I said "but it's the thirtieth today!". He looked at me, and said "yes.." probably waiting for me to realise it. I just thought there would be more days of this holiday. I don't want this year to be over just yet. Work yesterday was good, though I was a bit late after the bus was almost twenty minutes late. Ugh. Anyway, I got to be with some other patients that I've not been with since summer maybe. It was really good, and nice to see them again. I woke up this morning, starting the day with a fan fiction, which I've done the whole holiday. Then I went downstairs to have breakfast whilst I watched Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience. I sang along to the songs whilst drinking my green tea, Monchita eventually joining me to watch the thing. I felt a bit nostalgic to five years ago when I was obsessed with Niley (Nick and Miley, oh the good ol' days). I also got a flashback to their music video for Paranoid, which is always going to be the death of me. Scratch that, Nick Jonas will always be the death of me. Especially with his 1968 Ford Mustang, it's so pretty! Later today I think I'm going to watch One Direction: Where We Are - The Concert Film, which I'm looking forward to because it includes Better Than Words, which was not included at the cinema. I did actually want to read a really angst filled fan fiction and cry, but I don't feel like it at the moment. I am going to do a bit of boring things like washing my makeup brushes, file my nails, organise my schedule, etcetera. I've had very strange dreams as of late, but the recurring theme is the people from my past. It's really strange. Anyway, have a good day xx. 

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