mandag 22. desember 2014

the branches have traded their leaves for white sleeves

Oh my god, I just had to go outside for a bit because I discovered the most amazing sight on the sky (the last picture). It's apparently called "polar stratospheric clouds". I don't I've ever seen it before, but once I did see it, I knocked on Monchita's door and told her to look out her window. We went outside to look at it, and she joked: "it's like I'm on acid". And like, holy shit, it really is. I said: "we don't have northern lights, but we have this". I've also been comparing it to oil mixed with water. Oh dear, I've been staring at it for so long now, that my eyes are starting to hurt. It's like magic. I wonder how it looks like through an air plane window. The weather gods must have been listening to my prayers because the outside is covered with snow. Hooray, and I genuinely thought it wouldn't be snow for Christmas this year. I formed a snow ball yesterday, after taking the trash out, and I learned that my aim is horrible. Well, that's not true. I've always known that my aim is horrible. Anyway, the snow was perfect to make a snow man or snow lights, but I was far too busy being glued to the television. I watched Jamie Oliver cooking for Christmas whilst reading a book by Jill Mansell (good fun, but it'll be forgotten within the week probably) and simultaneously listening to Christmas music. After watching a double episode with Jamie Oliver, there was the handball matches. My goodness, when I watch sport I'm usually very vocal about my opinions, and I do a great deal of shouting. However, sometimes I go all silent and I don't breathe properly because I keep holding my breath. Yesterday was one of those, where I just couldn't get myself to breathe properly because I was so anxious. And what a finale! Norway won in the end, and I almost cried. The finale was probably Norway's best match in this championship. And you know what? Kudos to all of them, seeing as half the team is new? Can't wait to see how they'll do in the future. I have finally cleaned my bedroom and put the furniture back to it's belonging spaces. Don't ask me what I've been doing. Anyway, I watched Up this morning, whilst finishing that book by Jill Mansell. I've got to write this thing for my new "praksis" and it should probably have been done ages ago, but I haven't bothered yet. Hopefully I'll finish it today so I'll be over with it. Later tonight I'm going to watch X Factor and whatever Christmas movie is on, because Christmas is about being glued to the sofa, I think. Have a good evening, I might go outside again, because I can't get over the sky and the clouds. It's fucking unreal. 

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