søndag 5. april 2015

it's poker, he can't see it in my face but I'm about to play my ace

I played the Sims yesterday, for the first time in years. My favourite part has always been to make the house and decorate it. So I used a cheat (motherlode) in order to get the house like I wanted with brick walls, plush chairs and bookshelves. It ended up looking brilliant, I thought, and like my personal dream house at the moment. It also ended up making me think of my life, and life in general. And just how not easy it is compared to the Sims. The reason why I've not played it in so long, is because I've never downloaded the game to my computer, but Monchita has. And yesterday we escaped the big gathering downstairs. Monchita did actual homework, whereas I just played. I've stood at the bus stop outside my house in my pj's twice. Both of those times, Monchita and I were escorting Volla to the bus. I was in my long johns today, and Monchita had her pj bottoms tucked into her socks. I hadn't even washed my face, but we stood there and waved at Volla as she got on the bus. I've spent the rest of the day cleaning my bedroom, organising my closet and reading fan fiction. I've not done anything else. I should probably do some work for my thesis, but it's the least appealing idea to me at the moment. But a part of me wants to do it, to get on with the work. I haven't really properly started writing. At least it doesn't feel like it. And though I've got two months left, I'll probably have very little time at the end. Ugh, now I feel like I've guilt tripped myself into writing. Only, I'll probably hold off until tomorrow. 

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