mandag 13. april 2015

sometimes you're half in and then you're half out, but you never close the door

Hello. I just found an author who writes fan fiction within the One Direction-, Hobbit-, and Teen Wolf -fandom. Am mind blown now. I knew the name was familiar! Anyway, I've fallen more in love with the friendship of the cast of The Maze Runner. Funnily enough I saw that Maze Runner had won two awards yesterday on MTV Awards(?) via Twitter. So instead of working on my thesis this morning, I was "researching" the cast members of Maze Runner (and Teen Wolf). It's been a really weird day for me. I was at school before 8 am in hopes of a productive day, but it was anything but. At the end of the day I was whistling tunes that sounded akin old-people-whistling-tunes. And well, maybe it's not too surprising seeing as my alter ego is an old person. (I'm like 70 years at heart. That's why I'm "wise" as Kiwi told me the other day). Yesterday I finally bought tickets to a festival I've been salivating over for the past months. I had sort of decided a few weeks ago, but still unsure due to multiple factors. However, yesterday the factors seemed to disappear. When making decisions I always think about what choice I'll regret the most. To do, or not to do. This time I realised the decision I'd regret the most would be to not do. Sam Smith, Bastille, and Ben Howard amongst many others are playing, and I just couldn't not go to the festival then. Also, I've not been to visit Ale in ages! Also I'm taking the train, so that's one thing I can cross of my (imaginary) bucket list. I'm currently obsessed with What Kind of Man by Florence + The Machine. I am really enjoying singing it angrily out loud. I'm not sure what the song is about, but my interpretation of the song is that it's about emotional abuse. It's a very important topic as well, because I don't think people realise just how damaging it can be. I think I've said that I think everyone's a hypocrite, they just don't realise it. But I also think that there's a manipulator in all of us, and some use it for evil intentions. Anyway, back to the song-- it's really good! 

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