torsdag 2. april 2015

right from the start, you know I've got you

I was actually honest when I said I've chopped off half my hair. I watched it fall when my sister cut it. I felt a twinge of sadness because it'll be a long time until I can do a high ponytail again. But it was only a little twinge, because I've wanted this for so long. Initially I had decided that I wanted to cut it like I did last summer. But my sister suggested shorter, and I'm pretty much always up for what my sister has in mind. I told her that she's the only hairdresser I'd ever say: "you can pretty much do whatever you want". I did stop her at a certain length though, as I realised just how short she had in mind. But she got to choose a new colour for my hair. It's a bit funny because on Friday, when I had arrived, I met my sister at the hair saloon, and she was in the middle of a little course? where they were learning about colours. And she tested out the new knowledge on my hair, which lead the other co-workers to look and touch my hair. It was slightly weird, but sort of funny too. Hi, by the way. I got home last night after a slightly delayed plane. It didn't matter anyway, as the airport had renovated. It was really nice sitting there, and I got in a few words for my thesis. There's 226 new pictures from my trip to my sister and co, but my favourites are the ones that my nephew took. I've shown him how to take pictures with my camera multiple times, so he knows how to work it now. I jokingly said yesterday that he might have to inherit my camera because he knows it so well. I've just looked through the few pictures he took, and they're of Lynx, Grepper, Me, carpets, the wall, the floor, of him (one selfie). I've decided to post two pictures for each day (except for Saturday because it appears that I took zero pictures that day). Looking back at the trip, I've got to say it was really different from all the others. We almost didn't do any shopping (only yesterday, when I bought something for my other nephew that's due in a few weeks), and we went on walks pretty much each day. In total I've sat in their car maybe 70 minutes out of the six days I was there. It was a bit like a therapeutic getaway for me, I think. I was lucky with the weather, though I realise judging by the pictures, it mightn't look like it. But a day without rain is pretty much "good weather". , and as you can see it's mostly just nature. That's because we went on a walk almost every day. A lot of the pictures are nature, because I love that. It brings me inner peace. Yesterday I sat inside "the blue room," as I called it, in Atlanterhavsparken and watched fish swim by whilst listening to music. I was so at peace, and so absorbed in the fish, that I didn't realise Grepper had sat himself behind me with a cup of coffe. It was only when I saw Lynx in my peripheral vision, that I realised that all of them had come to sit in the "blue room" with me. Sitting in that room, looking at sea creatures, was the first time I'd ever entertained the idea of snorkelling. I'm going to miss my nephew waking me up each morning, watching the most random movies with Lynx and Grepper, and having the lovely nature around me. But today Volla is coming, so I'm happy about that. I talked to her over Facetime the other day, when my nephew had decided he'd had enough of chatting with her. She's writing on her dissertation, so we've got a lot of common at the moment. Monchita and my parents drove off just now, off on a little roadtrip to Sweden. I didn't want to come along, because I didn't want to. Plus I am going to do some cleaning today, as none of my other family members seems to think that's important. I was surprised that I didn't think that much of the One Direction situation as I was visiting my sister. I had figured it would bring a damper on things, but I almost didn't think of it. And when I did, it was rather grown up thoughts. I've decided to not jump on any wagons, as there's more drama than I am willing to get sucked into. I've learnt not to assume things, and I won't with One Direction either. But the interesting thing about Zayn leaving One Direction, is that I can feel myself tugged towards One Direction again. I'm hoping it's just a fluke, but I'm also a bit glad that I'm so fiercely fond of them. It's also interesting to see the other lads sing Zayn's part, because as one wrote: "they’ve been hitting notes I didn’t know were in their vocal ranges". I'm actually quite excited about how their new album will be. Also, the new song by Zayn that was released and caused hysteria is really nice. It's really chill, and I'm enjoying the lyrics. Though I must admit that I'm surprised by the genre, as I'd always imagined that he would do r'n'b. Someone wrote that the song was a waste of his vocals, and I guess I can see what they mean about that, because Zayn can do some pretty amazing riffs. But I still think his new song is super chill (that sound really weird from my mouth). The world is as always problematic, and I'm still really disappointed with all the police brutality going on. I've thought of it as of late, and I've come to the conclusion that I've become quite distrusting towards people with authority. It's hard living in a world, trying to trust people when history seems to show you that you shouldn't. Anyway, on a brighter note, I've come home to really great weather which does loads for my mood. 

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