tirsdag 14. november 2017

I know you're thinking I'm heartless, I know you're thinking I'm cold. I'm just protecting my innocence, I'm just protecting my soul

Some days there's not nearly enough hours, and then some days just seem like forever. Today was the first: waking up early, having lectures for seven hours, going home to eat, read, attempt exercise, shower, read, possibly eat something, sleep. It's like an equation that doesn't make sense. I've been tired since yesterday, and I long for eight hours of sleep. Ideally I'd be in bed right now, but I've still got one and a half chapter left of reading before I can succumb to sleep. That is if I want to follow my schedule. I made a seriously weak attempt at exercising today, and I haven't done a proper session in weeks so I feel like I need to be able to cross something off my imaginary list. Just like, let me succeed at something. The reading is my goal for tonight. I still think it's a heavy and dry subject, but the lectures today were mildly better. I've realised that my new school has great lecturers versus my old school, which is where we are at the moment. We had a lecturer from my new school the last two hours today, and he was great compared to the others. I forgot how it feels to have lectures in something you're not interested in. No interest combined with the darkness of winter, the lack of good lecturers and good pedagogical ways of learning-- I feel quite tired. Thursday I'm going to a concert, which I am looking forward to, but at the moment I'm mostly looking forward to the weekend and sleep. I know I'm tired when I am triggered to cry because of nothing, like an instrumental melody. 

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